We’re doing this right. Right?

Elevate Your Vibration: Exploring Energy Work with Sarah Armstrong

Cheryl Medeiros & Colleen Hungerford Season 2 Episode 25

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In this episode of 'We're Doing This Right.  Right?' with Cheryl Medeiros and Colleen Hungerford, special guest Sara Armstrong, an energy master practitioner, and visionary architect, shares her journey from medical sales to becoming an expert in energy work and vision transformation. 

Sara discusses the importance of energy in our lives, how to clear negative energies, and the impact of visualization in achieving one’s goals. The conversation includes practical insights on creating a vision board, curating social media for positive energy, and how energy work can enhance personal and professional lives. 

Sara also announces the launch of her new website, visionofyou.com, where listeners can learn more about her services and upcoming events. 

The episode concludes with a promise of a live energy clearing session in a future episode.

Instagram: @Sara_armstrong_coach

00:00 Introduction to Awakening and Unraveling

01:35 Welcome to the Podcast

03:21 Meet Sarah Armstrong: Energy Master Practitioner

05:39 Sarah's Journey: From Medical Sales to Energy Work

09:32 Understanding Energy Work and Its Impact

20:02 Curating Your Social Media Experience

21:11 The Power of Vision Boards

23:28 Visualization Techniques for Success

27:06 Overcoming Mental Roadblocks

28:28 Florence Chadwick's Inspirational Story

32:35 Returning to Our True Essence

35:01 Coaching and Energy Work Services

37:52 Conclusion and Future Plans


you being this 40 year old, like version of yourself. when we start to come into the awakening. And the unraveling because we had it then we got and we got entangled in this whole big mess of society that we're conditioned to live in and that we should have these things and we should want those things and that's not wrong and you can't live that way and keep up with the joneses and all the stuff we get entangled in all of that but there comes a point in our lives where if we're willing to listen to it and if the call is loud enough we begin to start untangling You All of that too. And we come back to the true essence of ourselves. that is what I am here for. Like I am so here for supporting men and women that are in that stage that are like, hold on. I think I forgot something along the way you did. Let me show you how to get back to that. Let's let's unravel this, untangle it and let's clear this all out.


And let's raise the next generation to not








And welcome back to We're Doing This Right, right with Colleen Hungerford and Cheryl Medeiros. Hi


I love




the different voices that you're trying out each time. I am not doing great. Let me tell you, and I am actually really glad our guest


wrong. Tell


Maybe she can help me.




There's a freaking bat in my basement.


out of the house.


Like a live bat and I did the totally responsible thing. I just shut the door and




left it.


Come back to that later.


As any responsible adult would do.


I, my babysitter, my nanny, and I are here at home and I saw it out of the corner of my eye. Thank God it was in the basement and not like in the house. Anyway, we shut the door, we put a towel under the door and I called my husband and I said, there's a bat in the house. It's your problem. So


That is not your department.


I was like, I got too much to do. You're going to deal with that when you get home. So.




maybe Sarah, once we introduce Sarah, she can then come to my house and clear the energy of the bat that's, in my house, um,


it's funny because I feel like you might be the third person now that has had a bat in their house.




So, and


Yeah. What is happening?


well, the bats are endangered here. And so people are trying to save the bats, but also first we should just introduce our amazing guests


We're just


and then we'll talk about,


Who cares who this lady is? Like we're just doing the thing


yeah, we're just doing it. Yeah. Do


today, ladies and four or five gentlemen, we have Sarah Armstrong on. Sarah is an energy master practitioner and visionary architect who possesses the tools and understanding to help you create the life that you can only imagine in your daydreams. Those daydreams are real and Sarah's here to guide you and help you step into them. With extensive experience and energy work and vision transformation, plus a vast history of client success, her individualized approach will help you attain your goals and unlock your unique power.




Thank you.


Welcome Sarah.




is also a member of the InspireHER Collective in Indy. So we're super, super excited to have you and chat with you. I do want to tell everyone. So I met Sarah. I think, uh, almost two years ago, and I did one of her workshops, another realtor in town who I'm friends with invited me to do one of her vision board workshops. And it was incredible. And I think I've, we talked about this, Cheryl, when we did our vision stuff, like 99 percent of what I put on my vision board came true. And it was. It's pretty incredible. So then Sarah and I, our paths just kept crossing in, in different groups and things like that. So and now we're friends and now we're here to have you on the podcast cause we're so excited about what you're doing. So tell us all about it. Tell us all about you. Tell us about your coaching. What do we, what should we know about you?


wow. Okay. All the things, right? All the thing. You need to know all the things about me. No.




it's, it's just been such an honor and a pleasure to have, like, not only to have awakened your vision that we did a couple of years ago and for you to have for now. legitimately almost everything come to fruition is incredible. and then for us to reconnect again is, it's just been so amazing. And so I just want to say, I just want to take a minute to just say how grateful I am for that divine you know, intersection for however long we're going to walk this path together. I am so here for it. So really excited. And thank




much for having me on the podcast today. I'm very excited to be here. Very excited for this conversation. So with that said, hi everyone. I'm Sarah Armstrong. Energy worker, light worker, all things woo. also all things vision. So I, cut my teeth for almost 20 years in medical sales. I was in medical diagnostic sales for most of my career. And as many of us know we come to this point in our lives where we're like, Hmm, is this all there is? Is this what I'm going to be doing for the next 30, 40 years? Like it can't be right. So I had my own, I guess you would call it we'd like to call it like an awakening. I would call it an awakening, although I'll get to that here in a second, but I had my own awakening, started doing my own research, my own journey within and realized that coaching. Was something that I was really good at because I'd always been the trainer, the mentor thinking outside the box, working with every, like, basically everything but a manager because I never wanted that title. And then, let me see if I can keep this, like, not super long story, but. I started down this path of the coaching journey and learned about personal development, but then personal development led me to spiritual development, which has led me to like energy development. So it's all just been like these layers getting peeled back, filled back, filled back. So I did cut my teeth like in medical sales. Then I would say the second half, I would cut my teeth in coaching, but it has led me to unlock the mysteries of This earth and this world and this realm that we're in. And the key to all of that is energy. And I like to say




are all energetic beings. We are legit made up of energy. If we did not have an energetic pulse running through our bodies, we would be nothing more than




suit. That's it. We would just be these like meat suits, just like flopping around. Right? Like we wouldn't even be able to do that.


It's a very funny way to think about it.


And boom, meat and bone soup.


Yeah. So without that energy running through you, right? Like you're nothing but the meat suit. So I love doing energy work. The last over the last, I gosh, I would say. Really over the last, I mean, calling probably since we did that vision workshop, I went into a really deep, deep portal of my own healing. my


Yeah. You went away a little bit after that. Didn't




you? You, you like stopped doing stuff.


kind of cocooned, I guess I'd call it. I cocooned for a while. Had to deal with a lot of, you know, I thought I had dealt with my. stuff. But I realized I was running from a lot of things life that I didn't really know that I was running from. I just was like, Oh, well that happened. Oh, I gotta keep going. Oh, that happened. Oh, I gotta keep going. But it all kind of caught up with me. So I did drop into a deep cocoon, a deep healing portal. And in that was when A lot of the gifts and the magic that I'm now sharing have started to really come alive. So it, it started with coaching. Then I got my footing with vision and vision workshops, and now the energy work is really coming, coming online and coming to fruition. And it's just so incredible to see.




If you wouldn't mind sharing, how did you work on your healing?


went to The mountains to be alone for a few days. And had a wild experience there. I've worked with a lot of therapists and coaches. I've worked with some shamans. done a lot of my own inner, just inner work, journaling a lot of talk therapy as well. So yeah, just a lot of like, just. introspection and then also body work, somatics yoga, breath work, sound healings.


That's so amazing.


All things woo. All


Yeah. Yeah. Thank you for that. Cheryl. All things woo should be the answer. I just did all things. Woo.


Tell us, like, if somebody is listening and they're like, what is energy work? Can you tell us a little bit about what that is or how that works for somebody or how a client would why they would want that or how that would work for them? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.


it is basically, so again, I was saying, wait, right. We're, we're energy. We're all made up of energy. So energy is everything, right? Right. Every like we learned that we learned this from Einstein. everything. Is made up of energy. And so if Einstein also if you want to change your reality, you simply need to change your frequency. And so energy cannot be created and it cannot be destroyed. It can only be transferred and shifted. So if you think about, as you're interacting throughout the world, we're all day long, we are these energetic beings and we are constantly getting like batted around. Oh, let's, let's use of everybody's favorite, like the pickleball, right? Like we're on the pickleball court and like, we're that little wiffle ball and we're just being like bounced around back and forth, back and forth. We're hit high. We hit low, like we're all over the place. Right. But when it gets really fun is when you can start to just like, like hit it back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. Right. Instead of it going up and then like landing really low. When you can start to get your energy, start to get to a point of equilibrium. That's where magic starts to happen, right? so if everything is energy and we're energetic beings, and if you want to change your reality, you need to change the frequency to match that reality. All you need to do sounds really simple. It's actually not. Well, it can be is change is change your energetic vibration. What do I mean by that? So, if energy can't be just like, if it can't be it can only be shifted then every encounter that we. Throughout the day, we are absorbing energy all day long, all day long, all day long, all day long, right? Like the three of us are absorbing each other's energies just in this conversation. People that are listening to this conversation are absorbing energy from this, right? hope is that they walk away from this conversation and they're feeling energized and enlightened and uplifted in some, in some way. Right. But if you think about it, if you are allowing yourself to move throughout the day and you're just taking on everybody else's energy without realizing it, things start to happen in your life where you're like, why in the world is this happening to me? I don't understand. Why am I so angry? I don't have anything to be angry about. And then you start to think about, Oh, I just had this interaction with The guy at the store and man, he was so upset that they got his order wrong. Right. Did I pick up some of that you might have, because that energy was being projected out and it projects out into the quantum. And when we are very empathic people, which we're finding many, many of us are empathic, which empath means we take on energies of others. We take on emotions of others. We start to carry that. And so the energy work is designed so that we can come in. And not only clear those energies and, and charges I call them like energies, emotional charges. Energy is also like, or sorry, emotions. our energy in motion. That's where emotions from. We take on all of that. So what I do with my clients is I always start by doing an energetic clearing. I use a very unique modality to do that, where I'm using actually a clear quartz crystal that's cut to a very specified geometric shape that allows the intention that I'm infusing to be amplified. And this was actually created by one of the scientists, engineers that worked with IBM to put the crystals into their computers to work. So I work with that to clear energy. then once we get everything cleared, I then, it's like, I kind of switch gears and I start to work with life force energy. And I begin to become a channel to be bringing that life force, that universal call it God, you can call it universe, spirit, source, whatever that is, the light energy from above. I bring that through me as a channel and I'm able to infuse that into other people. in a way that actually brings peace. Joy, love, calmness into your energetic being. once we're able to clear out, like, kind of like all the garbage and all the, like, you know, clearing out all the clutter, then we want to come in and infuse that back in because we don't want to have clients walking around with just clear, like, you know, clear white open spaces, because that's allowing for, you know, some of these, like not so great energies to just come back in. So I'm working with clearing, then we're like, basically like refilling with that light source energy.


And is the idea that you can fill up with the good, we don't have room for the




very simplified. We just had Maria Baer on our show, who's an organizer, and she basically does the same thing, right? She like declutters and gets rid of all the stuff that doesn't serve you. And then she puts things back in order. And it's like, in a very simplified manner, that's what you're doing for somebody's energy, right? Like




clearing out all the crap.


you have the physical body, but you also have the energetic body, right? Because we all have an aura that is around us. Right. So like, like, and I'll give you the example of if you don't believe me, try this on for size, go to the store and pick people to stand by. Get within six feet of these people just start to notice. Do you feel an elevated state do you feel a lower state? Cause you're picking up on their




right? Like, and I mean, you could use that, or you can also even think about, you know, are you the life of the party or are you the drain of the party? Like we all know those people. We all know who those people are. We all know who walks into the room and it goes up five notches. And we all know who




and it goes down five notches. Not good or bad. I'm not saying like, because we're not here to judge anybody. It's just, it's just where we're at. It's just how we're showing up. And we vacillate through that all throughout the day. We can be that person. You know, at the top of the hour that walks in totally like on ready to do the thing. But by the end of the hour, something happened. We got triggered this or that. And we're that person that's draining it. it's just being able to unlock the awareness of how you're showing up and how you want to shift it.


I think we see that and we feel that so often, right? Like, you know, there are definitely people that you talk to and you're like, Oh my God, like I'm so inspired. Or I feel so good after talking to them or I feel, you know, uplifted. Or you have people who are just draining, right? Like you walk away and you're just like, Oh my God, I feel like I just got mentally. Beat up by talking to that person. And it may be like. Maybe it wasn't that they were like fighting with you or arguing with you. It was that, that it was just like exhausting talking to them.


Their energy, their energy literally just drains to you what their brain, yeah, I was really tired at my last Bunco that I had and I didn't feel it. Normally I'm, I'm having a couple of drinks and I'm kind of like for the party and at this particular one, I, was tired and was just kind of introverted and I took a little bit of a pot gummy instead of partying. One of the girls was like, you can't do that again. You set the tone here. Sorry,






having an off day. I don't know if I'm going to be able to beat, you know, like cut me some slack.


Yeah, sorry. Mommy needed it. Mommy needed a down night. You know, but it was just funny to, to hear like the impact that my energy had on the entire group. it was just interesting. And I know that, and I recognize from, so you had the years in the medical sales and I had the years in commercial insurance sales, so a lot of cold calling and energy level was huge in that. And when I was first diagnosed with kidney disease, my energies. Plummeted like I was in not a good place and I could feel on a lot of days like I just can't bring it and when I walked into a cold call and I didn't have that higher vibration, it was received that way. But if I walk into a cold call with that high vibration level and the high energy, It is so well received. It's so interesting. I mean, I was a daily experiment on energy and vibration by just how I would walk in and how I was received by people based on what my internal energies


Absolutely. Absolutely.


You know what I think is so funny too is people get like. I'm making a big generalization here, but like people get like, Oh, this is a little bit too woo, or this is a little bit too, like, whatever. But people experience this every single day. Like to your point of like, you know, when somebody, you walk next to the guy in the grocery store and he's like yelling at his kid or something like that. And you feel icky and you feel like, Oh my God, like, This bad vibes, you people feel that they're aware of that, but it's, it is interesting how, you know, Sarah, I don't know if you run into this where people are like, I don't know if this is like a thing, but if you explain it just how you did, it's very obvious that this is a thing, right? Like.


vibes, vibes is short for vibration. I mean, it's truly just, yes, we're all experiencing it all day, every day. Whether we are acknowledging it or not,






Well, and it's, there's also. There's also, are we acknowledging it? Are we even paying attention or are we too, like, are we too busy? Are




out? Are we too tied to our phones? I mean, you can even experience this in your social media feeds. I mean, you can go into your social media feed and if you've curated it. appropriately for your vibration. You feel inspired and uplifted. If you haven't curated




way, you're getting a bunch of garbage coming at you and you're like, what is happening? I feel horrible.


Yeah. I mean, people are always like, Oh, social media.




I, yeah,


getting so excited about


excited. We talk about this a lot. We talk about curating your social media so that it like, and Cheryl has done this and she taught me how to do that. And. People, I hear a lot of people say, Oh, social media is so bad and social media is so like blah, blah, blah. And I'm like, I don't know what you guys are talking about. My social media is great. Like, I love what I see. I love the people that I see. I love the information that I'm seeing. But I also, you know, Cheryl and I have talked about this. Like we very intentionally curated our algorithm. Yeah. You mute and get rid of the people you don't and you like the things you want to see more of and it's very real.


you could make if you curate it right, which I mean, obviously you guys get this right, but it's worth repeating. If you curate it right,




your social media like a living, breathing, walking vision board for yourself.




you are constantly all day looking. And this is what I teach in vision. So I guess we'll go here for a minute. You are literally like walking, seeing, breathing. I mean, I know you're not on social media all day long, but when you do take those breaks, right, that's all that you're seeing. And so the reason why vision boards work is because the brain doesn't know the difference between real and make believe think about that the brain does not know the difference between real and make believe it's why we can go to the movie theater and we can like. Be wrapped up in this story on the screen and have all the emotions. Like we're literally living this, you know, this movie out from, you know, from the seat in the theater with the popcorn bucket and our glass of, you know, whatever beverage of choice next to you. Right. And your kids you're like, Oh my gosh, like I felt the emotion because the brain doesn't know to the brain. It's like, this is what's happening today. Like, Oh my gosh, watch out. The zombies are coming to get you. Right. Like attack, attack, or, Oh my gosh. Like Wow. Like Bridgerton, I just watched the latest season of Bridgerton. And like, you don't get


my God. Let's talk about it.


so wrapped up in that storyline and you're like, is it going to happen? Is it not going to happen? Like, like, I know how would it feels like to be the wallflower or. right?


Yes. Let's


it because your body doesn't, your brain doesn't know the difference, right? So before we go down a Bridgerton rabbit hole, let me finish this and then we can totally go there.


talk about Bridgerton.


If you're curating your social media, right? If you're using your vision board appropriately, if you're using visualization appropriately, you are literally training yourself to create reality. Of what you envision for your future and you don't even know that you're like necessarily doing it right because you're like curating it and all your brain is seeing is this is the reality that we live in. This is the reality that we live in. We don't even worry about zombie apocalypses because that's not the reality that I'm in. Right? Like, I don't see zombies because I only see fairies, like, whatever, right? That is the power of your vision and, and that is the power of the vision board, the way that you curate your social media. And then also I want to take it a step further because we were talking about, I just kind of want to go back a second and then we'll totally get to Bridgerton if you want.


No, you're fine. We don't have to, but also we can.


Is as a sales rep, right? Like any, so, so anybody that's an entrepreneur, I mean, and whether, whatever you want to talk about sales, you want to talk about whatever it is that you want to create in your life. It doesn't matter if you start to visualize that you just unlocked, like. Like most magical code there is to the entire universe. Because if you can sit in the car, I'm going to talk to all my sales. I'm going to call it, talk to all my cold callers out there. If you can sit in the car and you can just take a few minutes and just visualize yourself. into the office, talking to the receptionist, getting a great, you know, like a great introduction with them really connecting and then asking, can I talk to, you know, whoever the next level is that you're, you're looking for the office manager, the physician, whatever it is, right. The decision maker, and you can just spend a few minutes before you even walk in seeing that call going to the most amazing outcome you can possibly imagine. You might not get that, to a T, that most amazing outcome, but you'll get pretty darn close. And I'll tell you that you'll get way closer to that most amazing outcome. If you spend a few minutes visualizing before you walk into call, then you will, if you just like, keep like blindly, Oh, I gotta go here today. Okay. I'm gonna go do that meeting. I gotta go here today. Okay. I'm gonna go call on that person. Like if you put the intention behind it and you take a few minutes to just play it through the outcomes. I mean, the outcomes are so much more powerful than if you just go throughout the day by default, I call that like living by default versus living by command.


This totally happened to me the other weekend. I had to do an open house and I didn't really want to, to be honest, but I do them and I was like, I, if I'm going to do this, I need to sell this fucking house. Like that was the intention that I went into, into doing this. And I, and I'm really good at open houses and I usually get a lot of clients from them, but I've never done an open house where I've sold the house that I've been doing the open house in. Okay. And. Two weekends to three weekends ago. Now I did this open house and I saw this couple walk in and I just had this feeling and they wanted to buy that house and they didn't have a realtor and they wanted to sell their house. And I was like, Okay, here we go. Like, and we are, and we did, and we're doing it. And it was like, to your point of like, so intentional about what I was doing and why I was there versus like, Oh, I'm going to go to this open house and I don't want to do it, but I guess I'm going to do it and I'm just going to do the things. Like, I'm just going to check the boxes. Like, I think so often we get. Told to like make a list and check everything off the list or like do things, but there isn't always intention behind what we're doing and you can really, I mean, I experienced. This very frequently, like if you really put intention behind what you're doing, it is magical for lack of a better term. It is kind of, Oh my God, how did that just happen? But sometimes I find that hard. Like it can be very easy, but it can also be very hard to feel like you have to duplicate that over and over again. Like, I think that's where I have a hard time.


a little exhausting


Yeah, it can feel exhausting.


doing it. So I, what I'm interested thinking about this right now is like 40 ish year old Cheryl, I have so many roadblocks. On this or like, I I'm so cynical at 40 ish about so many things. I'm thinking as you're describing this. 17-year-old Cheryl was an athlete.


Oh. Yeah.


race I would literally visualize the race on the swim block and like the time and everything. And I would get up there and I would just absolutely crush those races. And I would win and I would crush and I would get the times. And who taught me that? At 16, 17 years old, it was just a very natural thing that I never thought twice about doing. And then somewhere along the way in adulthood, you develop these roadblocks and these, like, I don't know why. And then thankfully now, 40 ish years old, it's coming back and I'm like, it, it, I'm picking away and seeing like, Oh, there's benefits to this and I should be doing this. And this really is happening. It's just so interesting how we get in our own way




But it was so natural as a young person to just this and believe this. I don't even know that I was never even told




I just did it.


the swimmers out there, go look up Florence Chadwick. hear the story about Florence Chadwick? She's one of my favorites. Okay. Let me tell you this really fast. So Florence Chadwick, I mean, go, go Google her because I won't do her whole story justice. But Florence Chadwick was this back in like, I don't know, like the 19, 50s, 60s, I think. Don't, don't anybody like fact check me on this. Okay. Go Google it. She's a legit, like she's legit. Go Google it. She was this like a limp, like, I don't think she ever went to the Olympics, but she did the English channel. She did the English channel, like there and




So she did the English channel and her story is really incredible with the way that she went from like California to, you know Europe to be able to


Oh, I see.


But that's not even the part that I want to tell you. Cause the part I want to tell you is she, she, she went and did the English channel and then she came back and she said, I'm going to swim from Catalina Island to the Pacific coast. Right. If you guys like, you might've even heard this, right. Cause you're California


been to Catalina. Yeah. It's


so she swims this, swims this, I don't know. It's however many miles, right? So she starts out. And she's literally like got her spotter boat and she's swimming and there's sharks everywhere. I mean, I just can't imagine like getting into these waters with sharks and all this other like, who knows what else is out there, right? And like, they're literally like firing off guns like to scare the sharks off away from her as they're watching her swim and it's foggy and it's cold and it's just gross, right? she is like I quit. All right. Pull me out. I quit. She quits the swim. She quits the swim. And she's like, A mile from the shore and she quits and she's just like pull me out. I'm done. I


Is the


But she doesn't give up she tries again like a couple months later She tries again a couple months later and the the long short of it is she tries again a couple months later She does same thing. It's foggy. There's sharks. They're firing the guns off. They're trying to protect her in these waters, right? and She makes it to the shore In less time did when she quit swim and they're like




That is the same conditions like it's the same stuff. You were had the same challenges, but you made it in less time How is that even possible? And she said to the success was I just kept visualizing myself hitting that shoreline. I just kept seeing myself hitting the sand, like walking up on the beach. I kept feeling what it would feel like. I kept hearing the crowd, like. She went through the whole thing in her mind. Every time she wanted to give up, she anchored back into, that's what I call a visualization because she got all the senses involved in it. And when she was able




at the forefront of her mind, seeing herself, seeing her playing that reality out, it was inevitable that she was going to make it. And she did it in way less time. that's the power that we have inside of us. But Cheryl, to your point, we're younger, we just know these things. Like you watch kids these days. They just know stuff. Like they just know, they're coming in like so aware and so enlightened and just so connected. It it's, it's beautiful. It's mind boggling and beautiful all at the same time, but we just know these things, right? But somewhere along the way, we get conditioned that we have to forget about all of that stuff, because if we come and do like. I don't know, whatever it is for, it's the nine to five, make the paycheck, you know, get up, make the doughnuts, like do




get all the right stuff plug into this, plug into that don't think just do we get conditioned into that and we get lost and we lose all of that. I I could call it magic, skill, you know, like we lose it somewhere along the way. And as Cheryl, I'll go back to this, you being this 40 year old, like version of yourself. when we start to come into the awakening. And the unraveling because we had it then we got and we got entangled in this whole big mess of society that we're conditioned to live in and that we should have these things and we should want those things and that's not wrong and you can't live that way and keep up with the joneses and all the stuff we get entangled in all of that but there comes a point in our lives where if we're willing to listen to it and if the call is loud enough we begin to start untangling You All of that too. And we come back to the true essence of ourselves. that is what I am here for. Like I am so here for supporting men and women that are in that stage that are like, hold on. I think I forgot something along the way you did. Let me show you how to get back to that. Let's let's unravel this, untangle it and let's clear this all out.


And let's raise the next generation to not










walking with my niece and my daughter this weekend and my five year old said, how come boys have certain jobs and girls have certain jobs? And I said, well, I tried to explain it. So both my 10 year old and my five year old that I had with me would understand. I said, well, society, which is like our group, our, our world, our country has decided these rules that we all buy into. We all agree upon. And for some reason we agreed that boys should do certain things and girls should do certain things, but those rules aren't real. And we don't have to listen to those rules. Those are just made up. And those, we don't have to follow those. So a girl can do what they want and a boy can do what they want. And don't ever let this group of people make you feel like you have to do something because you don't have to do it. And just trying so hard to like beat into your little brains like you be whoever




be. Do not buy into society's




They don't matter. I mean, even watching Bridgerton, you guys, let's bring




Like all of society's stupid rules in Bridgerton, like what they're supposed to be doing. Like when you can see it from that angle,




stupid were, but we have our own set right


Oh, for sure.


stupid that






For sure.


I mean,


Okay. We do not have enough time. We do not have enough time to talk about Bridgerton. We can't. We can't even get in there because I am deep into it. Okay. So, Sarah, I know we, Or have a little bit of a time constraint with you because you have clients, which is amazing, and, but we'll definitely have you back. But talk to us about how people can get a hold of you to do coaching or to do vision work. Or to do energy work. And you know, what that would look like for them.


So there's a few things that I have on tap. So I just want to say, first of all, that I, I do one on one coaching. So check that box. I do the energy work. And we were talking about, yes, I can do that virtually. I can




and we can do energy clearing. We can do energy activations. I can do all of that remote as well. And I do them in person also. So if you're in the Indianapolis area I do things out. I have my home studio. I'm doing some things at some local yoga studios. So lots of different avenues and ways to work with me. I also, I also do a monthly women's circle here in Indianapolis, and




sacred sacred container. And so if you're interested, if anybody out there is listening and you're in the Indianapolis area and you are feeling like you are in, you know, This unraveling state and things that used to work don't. And you'd want to be around a beautiful, loving community of like minded women. Hit me up. We'll talk. But there's all these different things, right? So how do you figure out how to connect in all of that? Great news. I'm super excited to say that I am relaunching, my website. So this couldn't be like more perfectly timed. And it


Yay. I love that. Mm.


visionofyou. com. So super simple, just vision of you. com. You can go out there. That's the best place to find out where all of my live local events are. All of my live virtual events are I'm always having something virtually going on in addition to what I'm doing here locally. So vision of you. com is the best place to get can to see what's going on. But I'm also on the Instagrams. and you can see me there at Become vision, become the vision of you, which we'll drop all that in the show notes. And then you can also follow me at Sarah underscore Armstrong underscore coach on Instagram to Instagram kind of is like where I'm showing up. The most, and also if you want to get on my email list do you go to vision of you. com and do the email opt in? Cause I send out energy updates. All my offers are always like the first, everybody on my email list are the first to know what's coming. So yeah, I think that's the biggest thing and happy to drop my email to




too, if anybody wants to contact me direct.


Fun fact, I went to elementary school with a Sarah






well, she was an imposter.


I was really excited when I saw your name.


That's fun.


oh, full circle.




That's really




Well, this was incredible and we talked off air. You guys can get to hear this preview, but she's going to come back and do a live energy clearing with us. You guys can get like a preview of what that actually would look like.


Yeah. That'll be amazing.


for sure. So we'll get that scheduled. So look for that.


Yeah, I love it. Okay. We'll go change somebody else's life and thank you so much for being here. We really


Thank you


Thank you, Sarah.


me. It's been an honor and a pleasure. I appreciate you so much.


My energy is feeling very high right




Yeah, so much.

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