We’re doing this right. Right?

Navigating Stress: Productivity, Leisure, and the Juggle

Cheryl Medeiros & Colleen Hungerford Season 2 Episode 24

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In this episode, Cheryl Medeiros and Colleen Hungerford delve into the nuances of juggling productivity and leisure, especially during the 'building phase' of life. 

The discussion covers stress management techniques, setting boundaries in a client-centric business, importance of mindfulness and physical activities, and the role of professional help. 

They also touch upon the impact of financial stress and the necessity of developing systems and routines to handle work and personal tasks efficiently.

00:00 Introduction: The Build Phase of Life

01:29 Welcome and Technical Difficulties

02:31 Discussing Stress and Productivity

08:10 The Impact of Leisure Reading

14:26 Balancing Health and Productivity

28:14 Overcoming Initial Hesitations with Cannabis

28:54 Discovering the Benefits of Cannabis for Sleep

30:21 Social Support and Genuine Connections

31:43 Time Management and Setting Boundaries

32:46 Relaxation Techniques and Mindfulness

36:21 Reframing Stressful Situations

45:20 The Importance of Professional Help

48:32 Final Thoughts on Managing Stress


maybe it's just the space that we're in where like we're very much in the build, build, build phase of our life. The raising of children, we're in the building of wealth. We're in the building of a business. You know, maybe there's time for this in the retirement age, but then there's the. Fact that tomorrow's not promised. So what bummer that We do not have time today to just. Enjoy something for the sake of enjoying something because we have to be productive. I'm so torn on this because I'm such a getter and I'm, I love productivity. I fucking love to get shit done. It's like my love language. It's so fun for me. wow, why can't we just have some leisure for the sake of having leisure and maybe the lack of leisure or the lack of it being okay to just have leisure without being productive is what's contributing to the stress levels Oh, hello everybody and welcome back. We're doing this right, right? I'm here with my co star Colleen Hungerford. My name is Cheryl Moderos


everyone's gonna stop listening now. They're like, what is this lady's voice? Oh my God. Well, we are doing it right, I think, but also not because it just took us like 10.


We're living our best lives here


We are not,




not sound engineers. We'll just say that for sure.


no, but I don't think we're going to sound like we're in the bathroom today. you're welcome.






to everybody. Okay. So we had a guest but life happens and she had to She had a puppy problem, so we are having to reschedule. But Cheryl and I were like, we got this, we can still, we're good. We think, uh,




so we're going to talk about stress.


Let's talk about stress, baby. Let's talk about you and me


let's talk about all the text message that I text messages. I send you when I'm stressed out. I'm like, um, so, This was something I was texting Cheryl and Susie, you know, my life coaches, basically because I was having a work situation that felt stressful and I needed help like handling it. But what I realized I was really asking for was how to handle my stress in the situation. Cause I knew how to handle the situation that was happening in the work


Professionally, yeah, you knew you you did all the


Yeah, like I knew, but it's like, and I know how to not show that stress to my clients and that's fine. Like I got all that, but I think it's like, how am I handling the stress behind the scenes or in my life, you know, and how are we handling stress? In the professional world. So, I mean, I think there's a couple of things that I want to talk about as far as like, how are we managing the stress? And I think, where are the examples of the people who are handling the stress? Well because that's what I would like to see is, you know, like, The person 10 years older than me or 10, you know, 10 years older than you. Who's been through what we've been through, who's handled the stress, who's healthy, who's, you know, loving their life, who is successful,


you know




we call Stephanie Olivero and have her


Oh, honestly, she is, we should. Stephanie Alvaro, who is a realtor in New York and like, honestly, the coolest woman I've ever met in my life.




She's so chill, like, and so effortlessly cool.




It's literally effortless. Like she's just like drinking her green juice in the morning and like selling a fabulous, like




condos in New York city. And and so kind and lovely anyway, well, we should just. We should have had her.


bet If we called her Colleen, here's what she will say. She's still stressed and she still struggles. So what we need to remember is that person that you think you're looking at that has it all together and has it figured out that person also is struggling at moments.




they have it dialed and sometimes they don't just like you and me




here with me.


Well, and I think




I see a lot of examples in my field here in Indianapolis of, and I don't take this the wrong way, people listening, but like, I see a lot of examples of things that I do not want. Like I see a lot of examples of the life that I don't want, which is like, you know, if we're specifically talking about our profession, like real estate. So like realtors who are 10 years older than me, who are. You know, now physically ill because of stress or have had marital issues because of stress or who physically look just like beat up because of stress.


of all, Colleen, I'm right here, so don't


You're not 10 years older than me. But you know what I mean? Like, if I'm really trying to like, have the best life that I can have, like, what, what do I want? And what does that look like? And a lot of that has to do with managing stress and managing, like, I just, I was late jumping on here because I was talking to Susie and she was telling me about, like, we're talking about not being attached to the outcomes. And that's something that we, I hear a lot about, especially in the real estate world, they talk a lot about not, that's the ideal situation, right? Not being attached to the outcome. I see, I think Steve Shull talks about that in his book and coaching and somebody else, another coach had talked about that and I, and I get that, but you know, when you've got bills to pay and you've got deals that you're depending on to close, to pay those bills, like you do feel attached to the outcome and you do feel like the world can come crumbling down in a second.


think that is why you are feeling so much stress about this particular one is because you are, you feel, you feel some scarcity right


Yeah. It's super.


more scarcity than abundance. And




yeah, you're really, really invested in this and this coming


Yeah, and I, and to be honest, I've been very lucky and slash successful and, and good in the last few years, and it's a weird market right now for us. There's some really good, there's some really high highs and some really weird middles, and




You know it's, it's hard to, to not feel scarce. And I started reading the secret again. I went back to that like reading a little bit of that every day, because I think I felt like I needed to be infused with more abundance mindset, abundance mentality. And I needed to have that more regularly because I was feeling, I am feeling like very scarce at the moment. So.


talk about, can we talk about the other book you had been reading and what


Oh my god, yeah,






Because you're not the only person I've talked to that has had this scenario and has had to set boundaries, which I have feelings on it, but




first share it.




me then at


So I started reading those like romance fantasy novels that a lot of women are reading right now, like the ACOTAR and the fourth wing. And then I started reading this other one, the series blood and ash. And I was really into them because they're, they do suck you in. Right. And they're very like, and I was listening to my headphones and I was like walking a lot. I was like, Oh, this is so great. I'm getting so much done. I'm doing, getting my steps in. I was like listening while I was doing the dishes and folding laundry. But I realized we talked about like one mentally and emotionally, it was not making me feel great. I was actually starting to be like, I don't like to poor to David I was like how come you don't love me the way that these guys in the book, like, why aren't you obsessed with me? And he was like, what are you talking about? I'm like, I mean, these guys are like obsessed with these women and you're not obsessed with me. Like, what is the problem? And he was like, what the fuck is going on? And just like, Obviously it's fantasy, it's romance, it's fiction, right? And it's also women writing these, so they're creating these like ideal situations. But I realized that it was really like sucking a lot of my time and also making me feel kind of like shit, like kind of down. And and I was talking to Cheryl about it and I was like, I think I need to take a break. Break from, and I have, and I've been so much more productive, but it was like, probably from like, I started reading ACOTAR when I went to Paris with Vivian, like, you know, I was like, Oh, I'll bring a book for the planes or something. And I really didn't know what it was just that like everybody was reading these and I was like, Oh, I guess I'll get a book for the plane. So probably end of March to like a couple of weeks, a couple of weeks ago. And I didn't realize that it was. Like, people talk about like the book hangover and there's that and like all this stuff, but I don't know, man. I mean, they're great, fun books to read, to listen to, but it was really sucking a lot of my time. I wasn't watching TV, so I was like, well, this is better than TV, you know, but I don't know.


least with TV, if you're similar in my family, like when I'm watching TV, at least like that shoulder to shoulder time with my husband, where we're like, at least engaged in the same




So that's quality time with him, where when I am reading a book, I go to a different room by


Yeah. I was like,


engage at all with


yeah. I was like, stop talking to me. I'm listening to my book.


Like, yeah, could you guys be quiet? Like, I'm


Yeah. Yeah. Yeah,


my family at all when I'm doing that. So, it's a little bit different. But, what I find interesting was when we had that conversation, it was not the first time I'd had that conversation with a friend that was like, I need to take a break from these books. They are creeping in to other parts of my life and interfering with other parts. I'm almost like it's become an addiction, like a problem.


totally, it totally was. And I think one of the things I really realized is like, I love to feed and we have a very good relationship. Are there things that we can work on? Absolutely. Are there times where he's so annoying? Absolutely. But like. You know, but there were definitely times where I was like angry at him for not being obsessed with me the way this fictional bat winged man was about somebody else, you know, like that's when you say it out loud, it's like so weird. And I think that, I don't know if I can correlate that to like lack of production, but sure, you know, like it definitely affected my mindset for a while. But I don't know. Like, so I'm not reading those anymore.


part of this.


The only part of this that I hated for you and


this other friend that talked about having to limit their leisure reading was that we live in a society where there's not enough time for just like leisure reading. It's kind of like the last conversation we had with Despy where it's like, We're just going to pass time for the sake of passing time. don't have that luxury right now. And maybe it's just the space that we're in where like we're very much in the build, build, build phase of our life. The raising of children, we're in the building of wealth. We're in the building of a business. You know, maybe there's time for this in the retirement age, but then there's the. Fact that tomorrow's not promised. So what bummer that We do not have time today to just. Enjoy something for the sake of enjoying something because we have to be productive.




I'm so torn on this because I'm such a getter and I'm, I love productivity. I fucking love to get shit done. It's like my love language. It's so fun for me. wow, why can't we just have some leisure for the sake of having leisure and maybe the lack of leisure or the lack of it being okay to just have leisure without being productive is what's contributing to the stress levels


Yeah. I mean, I, I was like, Oh, I'm going to have, you know, I was like in my car listening to like a business book. And then at home I was reading slash listening to like a book. And that's how it started. And then what ended up happening was then I started listening to my fun book in the car and then I started listening to it all the time, you know, and I think what happened was it just became like a, like a creep, like it just kind of started to creep in. And, you know, maybe like everything else, it just has to, like, I have to be able to set boundaries on it. Like, I think that's what happened is I listen, I'm, I'm an all in kind of girl. So I just, you know what I mean? Like, I'm going to do it. I'm going out,




I'm going all in. Right. And so then I was just like, oh my God, I got to finish this book. Oh my God. What's going to happen next. Blah, blah, blah. And there, you know, I wouldn't say they're like literary, like award winning books, but they're written well, where you're like, I want to keep




reading it.


and most of the female population in this country at least are hooked. So she did something right. She or he. I don't


Yeah. I, they're all the ones that are all written by women. So yeah, so, but to your point is like, I think it would just became like something that creeped in to like productivity and then that causes stress or maybe it was because like, I was feeling not great, so this like filled in, like I was feeling like, ah, I need, You know, like business is slow. Like I need some something else or, or like, I deserve to have something that's just for me. I don't know. I don't know the answer, but it, I think that it all leads to these roads. Like, how are we, you know, we don't like the word balance, but like, how are we managing? I think that's the right word, like managing our life. Like how are we setting up our lives so that. We can read fun books. We can read business books. We can have an abundance of business and not feel stressed out. I would like to, I don't think there's like a secret recipe, but maybe like I would like to,


Well, chat GPT has some stress management techniques tailored specifically for busy working


Oh, what is chat? What did they say for us? Does the robot know?


Yeah, let's do it. Yeah. Cause I no longer, my first search engine is no longer Google. My first search engine generally is chat GPT.


Cause if it's going to tell me to go for walks, I'm already doing that.


Okay. Great. so I'm sure it's on here. So you've got one of the things and I, I specifically asked for 10 things. I didn't say like, what's the magic recipe, but maybe that's my next search. number one, mindfulness and meditation, dedicating just five to 10 minutes during your lunch break or in the morning to practice mindfulness or meditation using apps like headspace or calm, even a short session. It can help you clear your mind and reduce your stress. I struggle tremendously with mindfulness all areas of my life, everywhere. Being where my feet are is one of the things I've been working hardest on for probably the last 15 years. It's so hard for me to be where my feet are. I'm always thinking about the next


Hmm. Mm


I tried to listen to a 10 minute clarity or meditation, if you




and I got through about eight minutes. I just can't, although yesterday I was doing something and I noticed that I was present for it. Maybe it was pickleball.


That's what I'm telling you. Like, that's how I feel at tennis. Like I feel fully present in the moment when I'm at tennis, cause I can't think about anything else.


Yeah. Is that what it was? It might've been that. That was interesting. I did notice like, Oh, I had no problem just being here in this moment. And like even, so I continue to get advice from moms that are older than me that are out of this phase that continue to tell me you need to take a little bit of time for yourself each day. And I have time for myself throughout the day that I'm alone. I generally fill it with work, but I'm trying to consciously make it for myself and like just not fill it with work and just be alone and be by myself with myself. But I need to be mindful in that moment. And I'm trying to get there to be like, this is your moments that you're refilling your cup. Be aware that you're refilling your cup right now and pay attention to that so that your cup can actually fill. that make


yeah, but it


Cause I


feels like a lot of work


know, but it just passes me by without me noticing that like, that's what's happening right




I feel like the cup doesn't fill


being intentional and being present with what you're doing like being in present time with what you're doing. Yeah


Like my mornings, I get up an hour before my kids on most mornings. And I listened to the 6 AM or, or the happier human call with Sky Michaels. And those moments are for me, but I don't pay attention necessarily to the fact that those are for me. So then I don't it fill my cup in the way it necessarily was supposed to fill my


okay. It just feels like another thing you're doing another thing you're checking off the list.


Yeah. It's like not mindful.




mindful in that




It's the same way. I, it's the same way. You know, it's like, I'm just like checking the, I'm just being productive and moving through my day. mindfulness is a.


That's like what Despy was talking about, right? Like, just checking everything off the list, but like, never feeling like,




happy. Like, yeah. Yeah. It's, what else is, what does the robot say?


Robot says regular exercise, so incorporate quick workouts into your daily routine. Just a 20 minute brisk walk. There you go. During lunch or a short home workout before or after work. standing or walking meetings whenever possible.


Okay, so I have been walking three to five times a week. And I play tennis twice a week. And I lift weights once a week, so. Good.


Great job. I am not doing those things and I really would like to be doing those things.


Yeah. But I've, here's the other thing. I, and talk about like going all in on things. I have a hard time. So like I really decided like I'm going to get my body healthier. So I've really been focusing on that. I've really been focusing on getting my walks in and getting my steps and I've been really focusing on my eating. Like as far as like, Protein, like making sure I'm getting a certain number of proteins protein and working out and playing tennis and blah, blah, blah. And I've been, I'm really like doing well on that and it's really made me feel good, but I have a hard time with then. That focus, then also giving that focus to my business and then also giving that focus to my family. It's like how I can't give all of the laser focus to all areas that I need in order to like be successful.


I don't think you're alone because look at the internet and the GIF or the meme, whatever you call them, that goes around that says like, you can either have a clean house, exercise, be successful at work. There's the, but listen, it's like pick two. don't, I don't think you're alone. I don't think it's realistic to file fire on all cylinders all the time. I think you can prioritize a couple things at a time. That are important to you, and I think those things can really thrive, and I think that the other things then don't thrive,




can be there, and I think you can put habits, routines, systems, processes in place,


just what I was going to say. I think it's hyper focusing. Yeah, well, it's I think what I was thinking when you were saying this and I don't mean to interrupt you But it's like I'm at a point where I'm like hyper focused on this on these health goals these physical health goals and I'm making them more of a Routine, so maybe there's a point where like these things I don't need to put as much Focus on because they've already come become part of my routine, right? Like it's just normal


we've talked about this already before, but Habit


Yeah, yeah,


you know you're playing tennis two days a week. Now you wanna build your business, which means in like personal connections with people, which you're doing at tennis and you're doing, but now Habit Stack and before and after tennis, make a phone call




before one person after inhabit stack that you know and add that automation or that routine to your life. So that now this thing you love doing is, is helping you do these other two things.


yeah, and also the system and processes at work that are running, right? Like this listing that I went.


the automation,


Yeah. Like the listing that I have that went live today, like went pretty smoothly. Like it, it was a lot of time and energy and we've talked about this particular one, but like all the basics of like getting the listing ready. We got that check, right. Took a bit, but we check, we got it. Like getting it staged, check. We did it like all and then getting it live.


you did it well, you didn't miss anything because now you have a good system and process in place. So it didn't require the same amount of mental, effort that it may have a year ago when you didn't have the system in place. To just, so you could just simply follow a checklist. So like for me, houses, it used to be like, okay, what do I need to prep for an open house? I don't know. It just used to be like, what do I need? What do I need? It felt like, well, I put together this very in depth, very dumbed down checklist for my open houses where like, it's you click through like link, link, link, like it's just done for you. And I'm not reinventing the wheel every time I'm using the same marketing materials, just for each different house. it. Now setting up for an open house is like one of my favorite things to do because it is so easy and I just feel, I feel so empowered by it because I have such a strong system in place




and it's, no longer stressful. It's now like, oh, I know that that's going to take me 20 minutes to set




and I feel great




and now I feel excited about it and I want to coach everybody else to do it.


Yeah, so I think what I'm starting to hear us say is like, maybe the hyperfocus is, taking the time to, to get a routine or get the process in place and then that becomes easier. And then you can, then you can focus on the other thing, the thing that's never going to get easier and the thing that's never going to have a system and process is parenting. So that's the thing that,


that you figure thing out, it changes.


it's constantly changing. So maybe if we understand that, like, the other things we know, we can put a little bit more control, a little bit more systems and processes.


Right. I mean, if we can get everything else running as smoothly as possible, then we can maybe have more energy and bandwidth to with the lack of control that we'll have around our


children. hmmmm. Yeah. Yeah.




What else does the robot say? So I'm exercising.


Yeah. So healthy eating snacks. Prepare healthy snacks and meals ahead of time to avoid stress of last minute food




a stash of nutrients. Options like nuts, fruits, and yogurt at your desk. So yes, yes, that's important. Do not find yourself without food or you'll stress eat, like binge something. And then You'll feel.


Smashing a crunch wrap like literally like it's so good. I just love Taco Bell I don't care what anybody says about it. So gross. So just amazing.


my favorite fast food. I love it. I'm so sad they took my two favorite items off the menu, double decker and steak


Oh my god the double decker.


Although now it's basically a cheesy gordita crunch and then I add beans.


Cheesy gordita crunch is about the same. I just I love Taco Bell. I love a crunch wrap. No tomato


I know.


crunch wraps




yeah, I think the food thing has been I've been working on that for a bit So I've got that a little bit more under control at this point. But I think again, like this go around has been really good for me because I've been focusing on the protein, but I've done where I've gotten so psychotic about counting my calories and it becomes like mentally not a good place for me with food. And I'm like, I just want to be able to like, enjoy food without having to think about it so much, but you do have to think about it and you do have to prepare. And you do have to have a system and a process for making sure that you are eating regularly because our jobs are so weird.


That's true.


okay. Well,


So be prepared because also you will not function at your highest level if you're hungry.


or you're going to yell at somebody.


yeah, yeah, you won't deal with your stress well if you're


No. Okay.


Okay, number four, this one I find hilarious at my stage of life, but adequate sleep.


Yeah, that's tough.


Create a bedtime routine that includes winding down with a good book or a gentle stretching, and aim for a consistent sleep schedule. Avoid screen time at least an hour before bed to improve sleep quality.


Okay. Well, I definitely.




Um, I started doing, I listened to this, I think it was on the powerhouse women podcast, you know, which one I'm talking about, where they talk about legs up on the wall. I asked this when we had our fun functional medicine doctor, I started doing that for like 20 minutes before bed. Most nights feels great. I don't know what it does. I don't know if it helps me, but I felt like it was doing something good by putting me like that. So try it. People. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.


with my husband before bed in bed. I'm not supposed to do like I'm breaking all the rules, but let me tell you about my sleep. first of all, my kids interrupt it more than anything else, which whatever is a face. Number two, full moons and my period totally screwed me over. It was very interesting to learn


Yeah. Oh my god.


recognize that because I'm not a person that pays a lot of attention to those types of things. And then all of a sudden I was like, Oh wow. number four, pot gummies have changed my life. I am not kidding you guys. I was so against them. Not for any moral reason, but because I tried one when I was like very not well with the kidney disease and I had a really bad reaction and then I was for a hundred years and then my husband had kind of gotten back into them for helping him with sleep and stuff. And. and stress. And then I was like, fuck it. I'm not sleeping good. I'm going to give it a go. And now in California, you know, we have these dispensaries and like, you kind of know what you're getting and they're like, you know how much you're getting. It's a really, it's a totally different




very luxury to go in and get your pot now in California. It's


Which is not, I mean, like, it's not a bit, like, it's not legal


It's not


here. I


not everywhere. So I anyways get to go shop at this very high end luxurious pot store and say, I'm having trouble sleeping. I'm having trouble staying asleep. And then they like suggest a product for me and it has changed my life. I can still wake up with the kids. So, and I've over the years, I've had the health issues and have been on medications that are actually preventing me from sleeping. I've taken like Xanax to sleep in.


don't know. Yeah.


to sleep. I've taken actual like heavy duty prescription medications over the years to sleep. And first of all, that shit ain't good for






That's not good.


hangovers. are way worse than a pot gummy than like two and a half milligrams of THC and some CBD. So, um, I feel totally comfortable with this. I don't get hung over. I can still wake up with my kids, but then the trick is I can quickly and easily fall back to




And it's been life changing. And I sleep so soundly. My mom does it now. I mean, I can't even like, it's hilarious when my mom's like, Hey, there's a pot gummy in Michigan for you. If you need some help sleeping, I'm like, what life is


That's hilarious. I don't even like to take,


total California.


yeah, I don't even like to take melatonin. It freaks me out. Uh.


I'm here.


Okay. Um.


Also and a half milligrams of THC is the exact right amount that I need to parent correctly and calmly don't turn me in, but it's less than alcohol. So whatever we're fine. number five, social support schedule, regular catch ups with friends and family. Even if it's a quick coffee date or a phone call during commute, consider joining online support groups for working women. Hmm. Might I recommend you join an inspire her collective group in your community? And it's down near


And I love the call




of, yeah, I love a call a friend during commute. That's like my go to. Like you usually call me when you're driving somewhere or, you know, I usually call a friend like while I'm driving, but you have to have those friends and you are this for me and I'm this for you. And I have other friends that are like this where you're like mid conversation and you're like, okay, I gotta go. Bye. And the other person's like, okay, bye. Like, you know, you can't have, you


be okay to just quickly drop.


have to have somebody who you can drop and they won't get upset about it and they won't get their feelings hurt. And you could be mid conversation. You'd be like, I really want to hear about this. I love you. I gotta go pick this kid up. And I think that that is helpful. I mean, I definitely utilize my people to help manage stress for sure. And I'm lucky to have that phone a friend. Yeah. Yeah. She would be.


I'm so inspired by, genuine connection. And it really, that's what this is. genuine connection makes my heart, it fills my cup in a way that so many things can't. I'm here for it. Number six, time management use tools like digital planners or apps to organize your tasks and set realistic deadlines, prioritize your to do list and tackle high priority items first. So this essentially is our setting up systems and processes. So you, I, thanks to Susie you know, we were talking things like the compass action plans or like, just like automating your life and your world in a way where I, you don't. And Susie always says, like, get it out of your brain. You've got to get everything out of your brain. If it's in your brain, it's like, causing chaos up there. So you just need to get it out. So if you need help,




you need to ask Susie Adamson for this because she is the best


she would have been so proud. I have a new agent joining my team, uh, spoiler alert. And the first thing I made her do was I showed her the tasks list on Google. I made her download the task app to her phone. I was like, here's what we're doing. Here's how we do it.


Okay. Yes. I love it. Number seven, relaxation techniques. So practice deep breathing exercises at your desk or take short breaks to stretch and relax throughout the day. Consider a quick guided relaxation video or audio during breaks.


Okay. I think I have I don't do that. And I think that what. You know, like if you're sitting at a desk or you have a lunch hour or you're something like maybe that feels more regulated. I think for us, we have the time to do it, but I don't know. But I, I am that person that like, that feels like I should be doing something else during that time.


Okay. No, hold on now. Just like stop and take a very deep breath.


Everybody do it.




close your eyes if you're driving.




Yeah, I guess. Feel great. Yeah. Yeah.


if you found triggers throughout your day, like I heard some, this one family, I don't know, I heard it on a podcast somewhere, some celebrity, probably like Gwyneth Paltrow or something, like every time their family walks into a new room, they stop and they take a deep breath. Like, as a way to regulate your nervous system, like if you could find a trigger, like every time you get in your driver's seat, you would stop and just take like a extra long deep breath, like a deep cleansing breath, I bet that that will help you regulate your nervous system and kind of like come down. And I have had periods where I do shift my focus to making sure that I'm doing this and I notice a difference. And I'll have people look at me and say, What's wrong? Are you okay? Cause it's kind of, it sounds like a


Yeah. Yeah.


Oh no, I'm just trying to regulate my nervous system. I'm just like, I'm really focusing on my breathing right now.






think it helps too. I think also like recognizing the energy that you're bringing to a situation or a room also helps that that helps to do that. Like I was thinking about this today. I had a situation where I had to get a sign, a special sign made for this neighborhood because they don't allow regular signs. It's so annoying. And then I went to go pick it up, but the place is closed today, but they like, didn't really tell us that it was closed. And, but it was like, you know, in their email signature. So really our fault. But anyway, I was like, okay. And I was going into the office and I was like, okay, I can choose to be really upset about this and like throw a fit. Or I can choose to just have a good attitude and a make it go right kind of attitude. And I kind of had to like psych myself up for it. Right. I was like, okay, I'm going to go in there and I'm just going to be chill. Like I'm going to be cool. It's going to be fine. Like nobody really messed up here. I mean, I, we all messed up everybody on my side messed up because it was very clearly in the email that they're not open on Fridays, but also. It was a weird communication, but I had to take a moment kind of like you're talking about and like kind of take a deep breath and decide how I was going to move forward from this situation. Was I going to make it a really shitty, stressful situation for myself, or was I going to just. Be okay and pivot. And that's what I just kept telling myself. It's like, we're just going to pivot. It's going to be fine. Everything's great. We're just going to pivot. I'm going to put up my open house sign and clip this fucking for sale sign on, put it in the front yard for now. And everybody's going to chill. Is it my favorite option? No, but the house is still going to be for sale. You know, like everybody's going to be fine, but I think. To that, it's the same kind of idea of like taking that moment to like, take a deep breath or like center yourself or regulate your nervous system, whatever you want to call it, right? Like realizing that that's a choice that you get to make. And, you know, I was thinking about this stress thing so much last night and so much this morning that, To that point, I was able to like recognize like, okay, I can make this a really stressful situation for me, for myself and for everybody like I could have gone in and blamed the guy who ordered it for me and the marketing late, you know, marketing gal who was out of town and didn't, and we didn't know and blah, blah, blah, blah. Like I could have been a total dick and I think people. Not would have expected that, but there are many people who act that way. So it's not unusual. Right. But I was just like, you know what? That's not going to help me today. That's not going to help me today. I've already been stressed out. I was already stressed out last night. Let's just. So, I mean, I brought up the question, but I think also realizing in this conversation that so much of this stress is a choice




in some respect,




right? Like you can choose to figure out how to make it not as stressful or how to regulate it a little bit more.


So I often, and I attribute this to the therapy I did in my twenties, am the master of reframing things. So I can take a thought and I can turn it and I can twist it. And I, I'm not to say that I am like toxic positivity because I'm not, I very much acknowledge like when things are hard, things are allowed to be




Some things are hard, but then at some point, like I can shift and reframe




and that is a practiced skill that you can get better at.




So it is not like the, you can't decide today that I'm going to be really good at reframing thoughts and deciding how I'm going to handle




That's, you, like. not going to just immediately happen and you're going to be great at it, but you can decide that you're going to start working on it and you can start practicing. And over the years, I promise you will look back and notice, Oh gosh, I'm so much better at this than I used to be because now it is almost automatic for me. I still wind up in places where I do need to like consciously do it, but subconsciously my brain is shifting things without me even considering it




had years and years and years of practice.


I think there's also an idea that like, you To that point of like, you're allowed to change your mind and you're allowed to, to change a decision. Like you're allowed to say like, okay, this situation is fucked. I'm going to change my mind about how I feel about it, or I'm going to change my mind about how I want to treat that person initially and how maybe I'm going to treat them now, or I think sometimes people get so stuck in like. This is how I've always done it, or this is how it should be done, or this is how I was taught, or this is how other people have treated me. And so then they, they in turn act that way. And I think it's really important that we remember that you always have a choice and, and, and you can change your mind and changing your mind is okay.


right? You can change your mind anytime you want. and also, I'm just gonna point out and give you kudos for not playing the blame game. Blame


Oh man.


It's very easy to play the blame game. It is hard to not, it takes a lot of integrity and. Let me also say the blame game is not a good


Oh, it's not, it's a terrible look. It's such a bad look.


Terrible look.


Such a bad look.


So good. Good on you.




Okay, number eight. Hobbies and interests. So make time for hobbies that you enjoy by scheduling them into your calendar, even dedicating 15 to 30 minutes a few times a week. That's funny. To a favorite activity can provide a mental break and reduce stress.


I'm doing that.


Yeah, you're doing that. I mean, I played my wordle.


Oh, I love that.


That might be it right now. I played pickleball last night. It's not regular, but it's happening once in a


I like it. Okay, but that's not a thing.


clearly define your work hours and stick to them. Oh, the realtor is


That's not a thing. That's not an entrepreneurial thing. I mean, it should be. I was actually just talking to Susie about this and she, we were just talking about this and she was saying like, you can set some boundaries and you have to set clear boundaries Early on, especially if you're with a client, like a client based business. You know, somebody would ask her, she said, you know, her and Bonnie, when they had their partnership before people be like, do you work on your week on the weekends? And they'd be like, I mean, we work 24, seven, but what she was telling that person is that she's available 24, seven, instead of saying, you know what? I do work on the weekends. Typically I do that by appointment, you know, but I like to serve, you know, like to keep that time for my family and to recharge. But you know, if something comes up and it's an emergency, let me know, you know, like that's a clear, that's a boundary that you can set. And I've started to say to my clients, and it's not as clear of a boundary, but I've started to say to my clients, like I. You know, like you can text me whenever if I don't respond, it's because I can't, if I don't respond, I it's because I can't respond or it's because I'm with my family or something like that. And I'll get back to you like as soon as I can, you know, or it's some phrase of that, like, because I know that some people like, They want to feel like it's an emergent, like if it's really urgent to them and like 8 p. m. is the only time that they have, that they have to text, you know, I want them to feel like, okay, you can text me at that time, but you can't necessarily expect me to respond within five minutes or 10 minutes or immediately, you know there's a, yeah, yeah, yeah, yes.


kind of saying like, you know, five to seven really belongs to my family. And then I'm going to go ahead and check my phone again. Once I get the kids down before I go to bed. So if anything urgent came up but then I also say like, they're really, if we've done our job and we've thought three steps ahead, there really shouldn't be many urgent things that come up in this business. So of trying to set that expectation too of like, and in that, in, in the intake meetings too, like talk about this in the intake meeting. So this is


Early on.


expect to hear from me. This is how our communication should work. And you should be able to kind of, kind of line item those things out. And honestly, if you pick up a client, That doesn't want to respect that then I mean, in moment when the market's kind of weird and a little bit slower, I know it's hard to not just take every single thing that comes your way, but Is are they all worth it? I don't


I don't know. I was trying to find this thing. Cause the, a woman who's in my inspire her group, Amanda Medlin. She is the CEO of an interior design, a commercial interior design firm. I want you to read what she has in her email signature. And I freaking love this. It says my working hours may not be the same as yours. Please do not feel obligated to reply outside of your working hours. I loved that. And I was like, that's so thoughtful. And so pretty incredible, honestly.


right. Well, and we've, I think we've talked about this, but agent to agent, if you are an agent or business owner, exactly business owner, just like what she did, like last night, I have to refer to an agent. In a different area right now, and I texted her at 5 30 yesterday, I wanted to call, but then I looked at the clock and I said, 5 30. No. So I just sent a text and I said, Hey, these clients are back and I want to fill you in. So let's schedule a time tomorrow during working hours just to like. Put it out there, let her know it's coming, but nothing for you to do at the moment. And I, I use that phrasing a lot. There's nothing for you to do at this


Yeah, I like that.


Like just putting this out there. you're aware, let's catch up tomorrow during working hours. Like just like taking control of those conversations and even like, you know, use the delay, send button on your email and stuff. And allegedly on one of the new software updates on Apple delayed, Texts get like scheduling texts is


Oh, good. I need that.


I just got on tick.


Oh, I love it.


Yeah. So that'll be game changing too. Cause a lot of the reason that I send that message at five 30 last night is cause I don't want it to fall off my radar. Cause like Susie says, I have to get out of my brain so I could just make it a task, but once I can schedule, send that email, then I won't have to make it a task. I can just write the text and then schedule it and I'll


Yeah. Yeah. Okay.






Number 10 professional help.




stress too overwhelming, don't hesitate to speak to professional help. Consider therapy sessions during lunch breaks or a virtual appointment that fits into your schedule. Many employers offer employee assistance programs that provide counseling


yeah. Hmm.


There are many, many mobile therapists now too, or virtual therapists that you can see. Um, I really think of our CMC call and this, uh, Recording that we do every week as my therapy.




It's really helpful for




but also have seen a therapist since my mid twenties. Because I needed, because I was having trouble I didn't like who I was, I didn't like the actions that I was taking in my mid twenties and I needed to figure out why and how to stop it. And I have learned so many skills and so many tools over the years. From that, and I don't, I don't see a therapist regularly at the moment, but I have two that I could call at any time could get an appointment with, and I do


yeah. Yeah. I mean, I think it's important that you're, you're commun that you're communicating and that. And it might look different for a lot of people. And I think we should just recognize that. But like maybe for some people, that's why they go to church or maybe that's why they talk to somebody or there's like a counselor or like a peer counselor or something like that in their community or their church or there's something like that. Like there's lots of different ways to approach this, but just the idea of like having another Like having another terminal, like another person that has some sort of training to talk to,




I think is, is important.


Yeah, I really want to highlight the emphasis on professional




because is actual science behind how these people can help you and, and what works and what doesn't work. And that is. Um, so just like, don't let your, don't let your cell phone be your therapist, I guess,


Or TikTok.


do the wild, don't, let Tick Tock be your therapist, don't ask chat to PT, how to reduce your stress and then do a whole podcast episode on it,


This, we are not mental health professionals.


not a mental






ladies. Talking.


We're two ladies living it and learning alongside everybody. But yes, professional health therapists are, in my opinion, worth their weight in gold. So if you are going to seek help, make sure you are getting a professional that's trained and feel free to ask for those credentials. And also if the first person you talk to is not the right fit for you, talk to another person. Because if you tried therapy once and you're like, it wasn't for me, It may not have been the right therapist. So keep that in mind as well.


Okay. What? I don't want to shut you down on this, but we, I think we have to wrap up, right?


yeah, actually I was wrong about my next appointment, but that's fine. And is, do you feel stressed or more empowered to tackle?


I think a lot of this for me, and I, I know this about myself is when I feel this way, I need to have like a two way conversation with someone about it. And I think that is really helpful to me. I think that is really annoying to my husband. and honestly, he's not always available for me to have that. And it doesn't. It doesn't always need to be a big, a big thing, but I think like when these stressful situations come up, I, I need almost like the, I need the release of being able to like communicate about it to somebody. And then that helps me kind of work through it.




then also I really like to listen to Tupac and DMX. So


Yeah. Actually that wasn't on the list. Like dance


music is, I think. Great. I think it's really therapeutic. Um, and I think really helpful. So I do that as well.


Also not on here. Journaling was not on


Yeah. Um,


Into a pillow was not on


I don't know.


Breaking something was


Yeah. Like smashing a plate. Like I'm great. We smash plates like for fun. Maybe that should be on there. I don't know. Yeah. I mean, I'm sure there's lots of other things we'd love to hear from our, from our listeners, how they are handling stress because we obviously like we went to AI to fight, figure it out. On what people think and I, it's an ongoing topic and there's no, I don't know that there's one answer and I don't even know that all 10 of those things, even if I'm doing it means that I won't be stressed, but I think it gives me tools to help manage the stress. Yeah. Yeah.


Sometimes life is just stressful. I mean, I think back to a month ago, month and a half ago when Susie called for a, like a mental health check on me because she could hear it in my voice. And she said like, how can I help? And I'm like, at the moment there was nothing. that could help. It just simply was a stressful time in life. There was that could change the things that were hard. That is just life sometimes.




But now, five or six weeks later, I'm in a very different place. I am more at peace. The other thing that's not on here is time. Time simply passes.


And honestly, I'll say maybe this is controversial, but I think money helps. Like


Oh, yeah.


I think like, I know that sounds weird, but like when you have financial stress, all everything else feels more stressful, right? Like when you have that, so you know, every deal feels really stressful because you need the money or like whatever. So I think, you know, some of that is some of that work around is like building is continuing to build your business so that. You don't have, you know, financial stress because that's a big piece of this, you know?


Well, yeah. I mean, financial stress is crazy. Look at the great depression. Look at all those times and all the lives that were taken by people themselves. You know, all the people that died by suicide and that, because when you are financially stressed, people often don't see a




And is, because without money, I mean, it makes the world go round, in our capitalistic society that we live in,


And I know we have to go, but not to be a total asshole, but like a lot of these things on this list and a lot of things that I'm doing, I'm so privileged to be able to do. And a lot of them take money. Like.


thanks to money. Yeah.


like, or time, which is money, right? Like I can do my walks during the middle of the day. Somebody who's working three jobs can't do that, you know? So I don't know. I don't know. I just, I think that's something that needs to be acknowledged as well.


Right. But we can all walk outside and take a grounding breath.


We'll go to the bathroom, go to the bathroom, take a deep breath, right? Like,


I know, but then we're in that whole thing. We're like telling moms that taking a shower, self


yeah, I know. But




sometimes you need, like, if you're at work and remember when you're in like a corporate job and you have to go into an office, like sometimes going to, Just going into the bathroom and like being in the stall by yourself and taking a couple of deep breaths. Like maybe that sounds like crazy, but maybe that's all you get that day. So take




for yourself.


Right. All right. You guys will try to be stressed out and keep doing it. Right. And thanks for being here today.


Bye guys.


See you next week.

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