We’re doing this right. Right?

Ask us anything... part 2

Cheryl Medeiros & Colleen Hungerford Season 2 Episode 28

Text us! We know you feel like part of the conversation! We want to hear your input!

Scary Shark Encounters and Aspirations: A Dive into Personal Stories and Future Dreams

Part 2 of Ask us Anything starts with Cheryl’s intense desire for a puppy, technical difficulties during their last video recording, and their excitement over new questions from viewers. 

Colleen recounts a thrilling and terrifying shark cage diving experience in South Africa with her husband. 

They also ponder where they would live if money were no object, revealing a preference for Northern California and San Luis Obispo County. Future goals and dreams such as career changes, ideal home designs, and personal growth are discussed. The segment ends with a brief promotion of their 'InspireHER Collective aimed at empowering women in leadership.

Watch Colleen’s shark video here  

00:00 The Puppy Plea

00:42 Editing Snafus and Internet Woes

01:30 Diving into Shark Tales

06:45 Dream Homes and Ideal Locations

11:43 Career Switches and Aspirations

14:27 Redesigning the Perfect Home

19:11 Advice to My Younger Self

19:29 Winning the Vegas Jackpot

19:56 Regrets About Student Loans

20:07 Investing in Real Estate

21:04 Life Advice for Younger Self

22:07 Parenting and Life Timelines

24:58 Holiday Traditions

26:43 Pets and Funny Stories

28:51 Favorite Games and Goals

34:09 InspireHER Collective

37:04 Conclusion and Farewell


I really want a puppy. Alex, I want a puppy so bad. Let me have a puppy. Alex, let me have a puppy. Let me have a puppy. Let me have a puppy. Let me have a puppy. We might have done it a little bit wrong towards the end of the last episode. And so please forgive me for any editing snafus because Colleen's internet just quit during a storm. And


was like,


just was like,


bye. My internet was like, peace out. I'm over it. You're done working. It's Friday. Goodbye.




was it.


very quickly. I don't know what the end of it's going to sound like because I haven't even finished editing it yet. So, I'm not even sure what the last question we asked was.


We don't even need that one.


it's fine. You guys, it's fine. This is part two though. We had




We got a lot of more really good questions that came in. So I'm very excited to


Okay. Let's do it.


so I do think that we missed whole shark story. Do you feel like you want to recount that?


I mean, yes, absolutely. Okay. So I think


about you. It's a


scariest thing I've ever done. Okay. So my husband and I, for our wedding, for our honeymoon, we went to South Africa and we decided that. We're in South Africa, we're going to do something cool, we're going to do cool things. So we decided to go shark cage diving in Shark Alley at the bottom of South Africa, which if Shark Week is actually happening right now. So it's, this is really, you know, relevant, but if you know anything about Shark Week, Shark week or, or great whites or great whites that breach July, which is when we got married is peak great white breaching time in South Africa. So we booked this trip, keep in mind, we're like, you know, newly married, we're 27 years old. So, you know, like, I haven't done a lot in my life at this point. I have done it, but you know and we go out on this boat and it is like, You know, us and like a few other people, I would say there's probably 10 of us on the boat. So you're not, we didn't go in the cages that like go below the boat. These cages are attached to the boat, but you're still in the water with the sharks. And the way the cage is set up is it has like a lid, you know, kind of like a basket with a lid at the top and you're wearing like a snorkel. And a wetsuit. And in order to see under the water, you have to like pull yourself down. And there is a bar at the bottom of the cage where you kind of like hook your feet under to help you stay down. Well, it was kind of far down and I wasn't super tall enough to get my feet under there. So there, so behind me, there was some other bar and I was kind of like, Bending my knees and pulling myself down with the bar behind me. So all of a sudden this big great white comes and she's like circling us and circle. I mean, this shark was like three meters. So what does that nine feet? Like that's a big fucking shark. So if you know anything about. Yeah, you know what I think about sharks? First of all, in real life, they are terrifying, but also really beautiful and like, really like, you're like, oh my God, like, you feel very respectful of these giant animals. So anyway, so they circle, right? And there was this big fish head in the water that they were using as like bait to bring the the sharks to you and how they Hunt is they circle they circle circle and then they dive really deep down and then they shoot straight up in the air and this is where the breaching comes from is they Shoot straight up through the water Bite their prey and then, and the, the sheer velocity and force of them, like going up, shoots them out into the air out of the water. And then they like come back down. So this shark, this great white shark goes all the way down and we have a video. We have it on YouTube and we'll link it in the thing. So you guys can see it. It was on like a underwater camera that we bought at Costco in 2010. So that's the quality of the video. Anyway, you see the shark coming up, jumps up in the air, comes all the way back down in the water and then like head first slams into the cage that we are in. It's like me and David and like a 14 year old boy that's on this with us. And all of a sudden you hear the, like you hear the captain of the boat going, okay, everybody out, everybody out, everybody out. And he like flings the thing over and we all have to like climb out and he's like, okay. And that's the end of the trip for today. And we were just like. Oh my God, it was the coolest, scariest experience, probably not in my life. Like I've had a lot of cool experiences, but like probably the scariest, coolest experience I've ever had. And not a lot of people can say that. So I think that was it. And it was. I highly recommend it. I, oh, the other part of this, which I forgot to say is when I was hooking my feet in the back, what I didn't realize is that I was putting my feet outside of the cage. So this shark was like circling our cage and my feet were just like dingly dingly, dingly dangling out of the back into the open water and could have been like shark bait, like shark. Prey, little snack before a big fish head.




Anyway, I, there's a part of the video where you can hear where I go, Oh my God, my feet were outside of the cage. And it's like, what? So please go and watch it. It's hilarious. It's terrible quality, but it's amazing. So that's the scariest thing.




What's our next one?


Let's see. If you could live anywhere in the country, where would you choose to live?


Oh, well, I did choose. I choose here. I don't know. I love it here. I do love it here. If I could choose anywhere in the country, regardless of finances and whatever, I don't, I'd probably, I do really love it here, but I'd probably move back to California, like Northern Bay Area, Something like that is probably where I probably, I love, I grew up in Marin County and I fricking love it there. So I'd probably do that. What about you?


I think I'm San Luis Obispo County. I think I'm right where I want to be.




may not live. In this house,




I think I would okay, if money was no object, like money's no object and I can pay someone to clean my house every single day,




live in Margarita Farms and one of like the 3, 500 square foot homes. That's in Margarita Farms. Not because I need a house that big. I don't actually want a house that big. It's just that I really love this little community and the homes that are there are massive. So it would have to be a house that big to live in that little community. But they're like ranchettes on five to 10 acres, very close to town, beautiful sunsets, just like it's still in the little town I live in. I love living in Santa Margarita. So it would just give me everything that I want


Yeah. You know, what's so funny


be a massive.


is so like when I lived in California, our house was 1300 square feet, which was. Or 1400 square feet, which is, was small. Really, you know, and there were homes there and we were like, Oh my God, like to live in a 2000 square foot house or 3000 square foot house would be amazing. And then I moved here and like. The houses here are fucking huge. I mean, like when I tell you I've sold a 12, 000 square foot house, like, can you even imagine 12? And like I show houses all the time that are like eight to 10, 000 square feet. Like, can you imagine my house is


I don't want to live in something that big. My house right now is, I think we're in 2, 400 square feet at this house.


and that's,


I, it's, it's in


it's a ranch, right? It's one floor.


yeah, it's


Are you one?




That's big.


when we do not have an au pair. We really don't use two of the rooms, two of the bedrooms. I'm like, Oh, when we like those four months without an au pair, I was like, we don't need a house this big. The kids all sleep in our room. Like we get two bedroom houses, plenty, two bedroom plus an office. We're good. Like. We don't need, it's more to clean, which is why I said, if money was no object and I could like pay someone to clean my house every day




like follow those little shits around and pick up everything that they're leaving everywhere. And my little shits, I'm including me and my husband, cause we're not the best either and the dogs and the animals and everybody then, yeah, for sure. I'll take a 3000 square foot house, but it would be, it would go to waste, but at least then like guests could come comfortably stay and


You know what the difference is, is, and I, my friend said this to me when I was moving here, she's like in California or places with good weather, like you're outside most of the time. So your outdoor space is a huge part of your house. And there are many, like half the year where we're not going out, like we're not utilizing our outdoor space because it's raining or it's cold or it's snowing or whatever. So you're living more Inside your house. So our house now is I think 4, 000 square feet. And I'm definitely, there's times where I'm like, we need a bigger house. We need more, but it's also because of the way our layout is. And it's two store it's two stories.


say 1000 square feet? Your house is


Yeah. Not compared to people here! Not compared to people here,


Colleen's so rich.


are you kidding me? My house is like, tiny. But, but it's so funny. Okay, anyway. We digress, but ask us anything. What else we


want to live. Is this, I'm where I want to be. I could have, I would have a really hard time leaving. I would like to change, no I can't. This is not a political podcast, so I'm


got? Okay, no, just keep going.


Okay. Uh, while we're on, if money was no object if that, that last question was from Jenna, Jennifer Echol, newest


love it.


in Ohio, Columbus, Ohio,


Yes, I'm so excited, she's so close now.


an agent, okay, this next one is from Tracy and Tracy is in


Long Island. Oh, Long Island.




Island. Yeah.


Geography has never been my strong point. Tracy Clennon in Long Island. If money was no object and you could switch careers for a day, what would you choose to do? Not for a day. I guess just switch careers if money was no object.


Like, if I didn't have to work for money? I don't know that I would work. I mean, I don't know. I do love helping. I don't know. I mean, I think maybe I would be doing what I'm doing because I really do like it, but it would be a lot less stressful. Or maybe I would be, I mean, we talked about like, Oh, you know what it is, you know what it is, you know what I want to do? So bad. I And I want to have a store, right? And this is like everybody's dream. Have you seen these things on, on Instagram or whatever, where it's like every girl wants to have a bookstore. That's a flower shop. That's also a coffee shop. I don't want the bookstore part, but I want like a really like beautiful high end, like, shop that you can come, basically like a charcuterie shop, like a deli, but like you come in and you can buy wine, you can get really great coffee and you can get some good produce and you can, but it's very like they have a lot of them in LA, but that would be my dream. I would love that.


Um, I think that if that's not my dream if money was, so when you said all women, this is everybody. No, that's not my dream. I don't want to


Oh my God. It's all over Instagram. When you see like every woman wants a Bookshop. That's a flower shop. That's a whatever. I just want to come in and like toodle around. I don't know. It's hard. I would like to still be. Yeah, I would


okay. So my, if money was no object, I would do what I'm doing, I would, um, sleep in later. No, cause I like getting up. I don't know guys. I might just be, which I'll just be a little less stressful. It would just all be like, A little less stressful. I'd take more vacations. Alex wouldn't work.


do what I'm doing and have my little flower charcuterie shop and have all the people set up to do all the things so that it could operate without me. And then I could come in and like, I don't know, do what I wanted to do. Do like run the thing, but then also go to Greece for two months.


Here's, this is consistent with where I'd live if money was no objects, as I, I still would have a housekeeper that was here every day. I




I just want a house manager. Just someone


I do too.


stuff. Just come do everything. I don't want to do the stuff. Okay. So, okay. If you could redesign your home without any budget constraints. All these realtors wanting to be rich. Uh. What unique features would it have? Okay, a fucking indoor dog washing station,




massive laundry room with like, great area to fold clothes and a great area to hang clothes to dry and like, actual sink in my laundry room, which I've still never had, and so much natural light in like big huge windows, and okay, what else I'm like a big primary suite in my bedroom overlooking my big canyon, like I would keep my views, and I'd have just Big windows. And I'd have the remote that closes the shades at bedtime, or I clapper ready for bed, close those shades. Hey, Suri closes the shades. Mommy's tired. I'm not really talking to you, Suri, get out of here. And I would like, want to take my bath in their big, nice closet. The declutter with Danielle has designed and put everything away and everything


Oh yeah.


smoothly or Mariah and her style girl. What's


Oh my God. Moran style, the bare minimalist and style riot. I want them to like set up my CLO closet


designed by them,


and buy all my clothes.


I guess I, at this point, I'm the 3000 square feet. I could see why I need 3000 square feet. If we're doing this, I could see it. Okay,






I, I don't know. I have so many ideas. I think that I would want, I want a really beautiful, I have a friend who lives in San Juan Capistrano, like down Southern California. And she has a beautiful home. And it's like one of those Santa Barbara style, mission style, where it's like a, like a U shape basically. And then in the middle is this like beautiful pool and outdoor Kitchen area and whatever. I would love that. I love a beautiful outdoor space. I think that to me is super important. I mean, I've seen some crazy stuff like the dream home here. That was like a 10 million house. That was also like, you know, I don't know, 12, 000 square feet had like a massage meditation room. That was like. It had two, two of the walls were windows that overlooked like this golf course in this forest area. That was like beautiful. I mean, I've seen some crazy shit in some of these houses, like that house also had a gun range, which is weird, but I've been in houses that have had like bowling alleys. I don't think I need that. Or like. Indoor pools, which I think are weird. I don't know. I don't know. I think I, because I see so many things, it's hard for me to like, think about that one.


What's interesting is I'm, I'm noticing my responses were like my two pain points came first, my laundry room and my bathroom


Yeah. Your dream house is all about laundry.


because those are my two pain points in this house. It's like, what, what do I need to fix right away? I'm so logical that I'm like, Oh, what don't I like right now? But I also like, Want an infinity pool that overlooks my view. And I want a hot tub. And I want, I mean, I, I have also a dream for like this current house I'm in like I'm gonna put the retaining walls and the fence and keep the fucking goats out of my area and I'm gonna put some turf in and I'm gonna put these big shade sails in. And I'd like to have some. misters installed and hot tub and pool and like, just really nice and outdoor kitchen just really like make my outdoor space really functional and livable and amazing for


love a really beautiful garden, like really beautiful garden boxes, like vegetable garden. And a client of mine is, is, is. I'm going to put in like a really beautiful greenhouse in her new home. And I'm just like, but I also want someone else to make it good and keep everything alive. So,


we need it. If money is not an object, we're definitely hiring somebody to




that stuff. Okay, let's see. Oh, I like this one from Giselle and Giselle is in Atlanta,


Tampa, Tampa.


Tampa, sorry guys, thank God Colleen's here. Thanks


Giselle Flores is our wonderful friend. Amazing woman who is also our referral partner in Tampa, Florida.


Okay. So what advice would you offer your 25 year old self?


Oh my God. Number one, pay off your student loans. Just pay them off. Pay them off. Um. No, I am 41 years old and I still have a shit ton of student loans to pay off. But here's the thing I told you about how I won the jackpot, the Vegas jackpot. And for those of you who haven't heard that story, I'll tell another time, but long story short, I won 134, 000 on a Vegas slot machine. And one of the pieces of advice that I got from an advisor, it, Who's like my advisor in college who I trusted. He was like, don't pay off your student loans. There's such a low interest rate. Like don't, you don't need to do that. I could have paid off my student loans at 22 years old, and I am now 41 still paying them off. It's the biggest regret that I, that I have in my life. But so that, that's what I would tell myself. And I would say invest by a house because I almost also bought a house when I was 22, when I was in grad school. And then we ended up not like it just. It didn't work. It didn't, the deal fell through.


was that? What year was that?


Uh, oh five.


Imagine, oh, well, you would have written out the 08,


Yeah. Oh five. Oh six.


out, you would have done fine.




I mean, the appreciation that you would have had from




to now, you would


And it was in, it was in Corvallis, Oregon, where the, like the taxes are minimal. And it's a college town, so there's tons of people. I mean, like, oh, so I would have bought that. I would have, I want to tell myself at 25. Yeah. Like invest, be smart with your money, get real estate, that's about it. I mean, those are the things that I wish I would have done. I would tell myself, like, don't do all these weird diets, like, um, be kinder to yourself. Don't try to keep up with the Joneses, like that whole thing. Like I, and really invest in what's important, but really it would be to buy real estate and invest. And I'm not just saying that because I'm a realtor, but like, I really wish I had done that paid off my student loans and invested in real estate. What would you tell yourself?


would say. Reduce your overhead and invest in real estate.




of those things. I would tell 25 year old me, like buy more real estate before you have kids before you have all the expenses that like make it a lot harder to do it because it would have put myself in a better position now. Yeah, be kinder to be kinder to me. Like everything's going to work out.


yeah, I would all,


life's going to happen how it's supposed to just trust it.


I would tell myself to like, chill out on your timelines. Like I had really set some really stiff timelines for myself. Like I wanted to be married by a certain time. I wanted to have kids by a certain time and I was really regimented about that. And I think I would have, and I had my kids at, I had Vivian when I was 31, which isn't. And we would have been married for four years. It was fine, but I almost would have, I don't know. I maybe would have waited a little bit longer or like, maybe you would have used that for years a little differently instead of stressing out about like, when are we going to have kids? What am I going to have kids? I might've enjoyed, should've enjoyed


be in




a rush. I, I do always think that when I'm talking to younger people, like, don't be in such a rush. Like. Growing up's a trick,




it's such a trick, even from 25 to 30, like, 35, like, this is such a trick. Yeah, don't be in such a hurry, like, you, this part's hard, enjoy that part. This part's amazing,


It's amazing. And I don't know that I would want to be, I mean, I had my kids, I think at the right time, cause I don't know that I would want to be, like, Older, you know, like I think there's comes different challenges with being older when you're a parent, like you're just, listen, I'm tired. I can't imagine having




a baby right now and remember the other day. And we can talk about this now because now I know the answer. But remember the other day when I was like, I don't, I haven't gotten my period and I don't know if I'm pregnant or if I'm having menopause or if it's stress or if it's all three. And then there was a point where I was like, Oh my God, if I have a baby right now. That is a lot to take. I would have been lovely. I would have been totally fine. I'm not pregnant. It was just stress. But that would have been a lot to take on like starting all over again, dude. So anyway, okay. What's






that you don't have, like, precautions in place to know that you're not pregnant.


Well, okay. So very, very, uh, like TMI, but also who cares? You guys are all my friends and our four listeners don't even listen, but Daveed had a vasectomy, but I am like the person who would get pregnant. Like I am the person who would be the like 0. 9 percent pregnant. To get pregnant with the vasectomy and it's been six years. So it's like, so I think it was also me, like being in denial of the fact that like, I might be paramount pair of menopausal. I'm like, I must be.


be worried you're pregnant than worried you're going through menopause.


Yeah, exactly.


I love




really funny. Okay. So what is your favorite holiday tradition?


Oh, I love Thanksgiving. I love Thanksgiving. I love Easter. We're not like we celebrate Easter more like, not very religiously. We celebrate Easter, like Easter bunny vibes. Those are my two favorite, growing up. My mom always did Greek Easter, which is not always on the menu. It's on the Orthodox calendar, so it's different. And that was always really fun and really cool. And she would make a lot of Greek food and like, it was fun. But yeah, those are my two favorite. We do turkey bowl on Thanksgiving, which I love when we play football.


you do?


We put, we have like a family football game. David used to do this with his buddies when he was younger, they would all like Break into the elementary, climb the fence and break into the elementary school and like play a football game. He and all his buddies that he grew up, but they did it all through high school and even into college. And even like past college, they would do it sometimes. And then when we moved here, I was like, let's do turkey ball on Thanksgiving. Like, and we've done it every year since we've been here and it's super fun.


That's awesome. Okay. My favorite holiday tradition. My mom always makes cinnamon rolls and now I make cinnamon rolls. that just feels like warm and fuzzy


I love that.


for Christmas, it's for Thanksgiving, it's for Easter. We do it on all of them. that one just feels warm and fuzzy and nice to me.


I love that.


Okay. And that was from Valerie Donna in Dana, I think I got that one right. Are you a cat person or a dog person?


I'm a dog person. You're an all, you're an all animals person. We


have three cats and no dogs. No, I have two dogs. Why do I forget


were just talking about your dog this morning.


know I have two dogs. Three cats, but I'm a dog person and these are my first cats I've ever had. I don't like cats, but I like cheddar.


Let me tell you about what happened today. This is, this


Tell me,


is why our job is wild. Okay. I got a text message from a client. I got an email. I got an email from a client. It was at their inspection and I couldn't make their inspection today because I woke up with a sick kid and. whatever. And he's like, Colleen, our daughter was bitten by a cat at the inspection. Can you please find out if this cat has had all its own shots and if they're taking the cat? And I'm like, Oh my God, like, how did this happen? So I'm just like okay. So I messaged the listing agent. It's not their cat. It's just like a barn cat that moved in. Like, it's just like a cat that lives on the property. And so they have no idea. And I'm just like, these fucking cats, man, like they're wild. Like, have you ever been, imagine being, apparently it was not like that big of a bite, but when the email came across, I was like, what is happening? Like, and he sent me a picture of the cat, like, up in the rafters. I was dying. Anyway.


uh, so did the girl have to go get a shot, like


I don't know. I mean, I don't know. I just, I passed along the information. I was like, is she okay? Like what is happening? And he's like, yeah, yeah, she's fine. We're just like trying to be cautious. Yeah. I was like, I don't know. We're some proxied on it.


a lawsuit. Yikes.


I was terrified. Like that's immediately what I thought about. I was like, Oh my God,




going on here?


What is your favorite game to play with family or friends?


Like board game. Um,


That's what I'm going to play.


I don't, I'll tell you what game you should not play and it's Monopoly. Like don't play Monopoly because


never got into it.


I used to, I love Monopoly actually, but like, I think people get crazy about it. Oh, I don't know. I don't know. Who was that from?


That was Valerie too.


Oh, great.


Yeah. Did we talk about what our biggest goals are for the second half of the year?


No, we didn't.


Okay. What are our biggest goals for the second half of the year from Jen Miller in Denver, Colorado? Our


I was


InspireHER Collective


gonna say that! Our newest Inspired Her leader! So excited for Jen. Also if anybody listening wants to be an inspireHER leadership member, please let us know because we are


We're growing. We're launching.


Yep. I'm watching. So I don't know my biggest goals for the second half of the year. I am, I thought I was closer, but I'm very, very close. To halfway of my big production goal that I set for myself this year. So I'm really pumped on that.


Connect at all.


Yeah, I'm pretty, I'm like, I'm pretty close, like I'm pretty close to halfway. So that is amazing. So I'd like to continue that. And I have, well, like, spoiler alert announcement. Like I added a woman to my team, so I'm growing my team and I'd like to add one more team member by the end of the year so that I can have two. So my team will be officially launching in probably September, although we've already started. I don't know. I have some fitness goals that I'd like to achieve. As well one of the things I put on my as my goals is I'd like to get back to doing like one date night with David and then kind of post our conversation with Susie. I'd like to do one kind of date night with my dad a month if I can figure out how to do that with him. And I swear to God. I know I've said this so many times and everybody is so annoyed with me about it, but I think I have not convinced is not the right word, but I think I,




I think I'm going to go to Greece for fall break. I think I'm doing it. The kids have got a long fall break and it's in October, which is like off, you know, more off season and, but the weather's still wonderful. I told David, I was like, this is like my destiny and if I don't do it, I'm going to freak out. I don't know. And he was like, Oh my God, you're so weird.


Well, good


Yeah. So those, those are my big goals. What about you?


Okay. So I mean, in goals to me are like, I'm working like we're doing them. so there's a reconfiguration happening




that should be wrapped up by the end of the year. And so adding at least one new team member that I am actively working with, and that's going to do a lot for my production and, that's great. I have launched and will continue to, I'm coaching agents here on technology and systems and processes and just like showing them the way I'm doing things and how you can work smarter and not harder. I'm going to continue that. And that's growing, like, I think my big goal is like alternate streams of revenue other than just having real estate revenue from my sphere of influence. So, like, how else can I generate revenue outside of just my sphere? that is through. Collaborating with other agents that is through coaching other agents that is through the inspireHER collective that is launched.


that's also, we should talk about that. Yeah. I love it.


speaking engagements that Colleen and I are also pursuing. So like professionally, like growth, let's go. Like alternate streams of revenue in addition to real estate and, and the team that I'm building. And personally, my goal remains to be a more calm and patient mother and present for my children. And then also really by the end of this year, I'd like to have retaining wall, fencing, and. Turf in, I'd like my land, I'd like my yard by the end of the year




because I'm tired of my goat being right here and I want a new dog.


Oh yeah. We, we want to know.


a puppy. I really want a puppy. Alex, I want a puppy so bad. Let me have a puppy. Alex, let me have a puppy. Let me have a puppy. Let me have a puppy. Let me have a puppy.


Okay. So I want to really quickly. Talk about inspireHER because I do have to wrap. We do have to wrap up, we are launching. Now we have inspireHER Indianapolis. We have inspireHER San Luis Obispo. Jen Miller is launching in Denver. We have two other really great cities that are in the works that are coming up. For those people listening, if that's something that you're interested in, or, you know, somebody that's in your, that would be interested, we're really.


We're expanding.


expanding. Go ahead.


Let me tell you what inspireHER Collective really is. So inspireHER Collective is a group of women that, so we have created these groups in our cities and we have made it very simple for you to basically franchise this in your own city. And we've given you literally every template. You just follow step one, step two, step three, step four, step five, to create this in your own city. And what this provides for you in your city is a diverse group of women from all different industries. It's women in leadership, women in entrepreneurship, small business owners We'll meet twice a month, once in person and once virtually, and you will work together through topics that we provide for you, topics that you decide are relevant for your group. And it's a light lift for everybody, but very impactful and very valuable for everybody in the group. And the idea really is we rise by lifting all. So you're going to work together to lift all. If you are the leader of the group, you will. Join our leadership group, which gets quarterly coaching calls with us to help you both run your group successfully, but also just leadership coaching and training with Colleen and I. And the idea, like really the, the idea behind it, you know, I'm a realtor. In my community, want other soldiers out there marching and like screaming from the rooftops that people should work for me. Like, I can't be the only one out there saying like, I'm a great realtor. I need other people telling people that I'm a great realtor or I will never get enough business to make it. So that


we want to do that for other.


have that. Yes. I want you to have that for you. And I want other business. I want to scream for other business owners. Like Jessica's a great parent coach and young adult coach. Like please support Jessica's business and the inspireHER members all get this, this podcast as a platform to support their business. And there's just, there's so many amazing benefits to it. We are loving it. The inspireHER collective group and slo. LOVE what we're doing. I know the indie group is thriving and doing really well,




we are so excited to help people launch this in your own cities. So if this is something you're interested in, please reach out and let's get you started.






Very, very, very excited. So much more to come.


Keep doing it right guys. We'll see you next week. Bye.

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