We’re doing this right. Right?

Organize Your Life: Leydi Rofman's Empathetic Approach to Clutter

Cheryl Medeiros, Colleen Hungerford, Leydi Rofman Season 3 Episode 3

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Leydi Rofman is a professional organizer + home design consultant based in NJ & NYC who dives deep into the root causes of clutter to deliver practical, actionable solutions. After a 20-year career in Higher Education Administration, she now helps busy families transform chaos into calm. Outside of organizing, Leydi enjoys family time with her husband and two boys, and is always planning their next big adventure.

Leydi’s favorite book: The Atomic Habits

theorganizedleydi - on all platform’s.


Instagram: @theorganizedleydi 

In this engaging conversation, Leydi, a professional organizer and home design consultant, shares her journey from a 20-year career in higher education administration to starting her own successful organizing business. Leydi emphasizes the importance of strategic positioning, authenticity, and understanding client needs. She discusses her mindful approach to organizing, tackling clutter with empathy and non-judgmental support. Leydi also touches on leveraging business tools, setting clear boundaries, and balancing entrepreneurship with personal life. The conversation is filled with heartfelt anecdotes and actionable business advice for aspiring organizers and entrepreneurs.


Everybody can be an organizer. Not everyone can be a business owner, right? So you really have to listen to what your clients are saying and really be like, Hmm, where can I put myself position myself strategically? While still being me to make it easy, to be successful. Like I am like, gobsmacked. And I, every time I think about it, I want to cry to think about that. I took this chance for my job.


Colleen. I did it right this morning I did it so right my friend




I was




to a five year old that didn't want to go to school, didn't want to wear any shoes, didn't want anything. There was nothing she wanted except my womb. And I was so calm and cool and collected. And so I'm sure there will be a trophy arriving for me at some point today.


It's coming.


Okay. Okay. Excellent. Great. Really appreciate that. So how are you doing? Did you do it right today so far? Okay.


Yeah, so,


Colleen. I did it right this morning I did it so right my friend




I was




to a five year old that didn't want to go to school, didn't want to wear any shoes, didn't want anything. There was nothing she wanted except my womb. And I was so calm and cool and collected. And so I'm sure there will be a trophy arriving for me at some point today.


It's coming.


Okay. Okay. Excellent. Great. Really appreciate that. So how are you doing? Did you do it right today so far? Okay.


Yeah, so, on the way to school, my youngest, Jackson, forgot his library book. He was really rushing around this morning and got his library book, and then he forgot it. And it was so cute. He was like, mommy. Do you have a meeting first thing this morning or can you please go back and get my library book? And I was like, it




was so sweet. And, you know, there's that one, there's that thought where you're like, well, no, they need to learn responsibility. And I was like, well, first of all, he's sick. So, like, everybody, and second of all, I also didn't want him to feel stressed out during the day. And I had the time and opportunity to do that. I also, and this is me feeling like I have to justify it, but I also felt like I wanted him to be able to rely on me for those things. So I was having these like weird mixed feelings about like, And Nate, you know, like enabling him, six. And so it was like, I just brought it in and I was like, it was fine. So


Man, it takes a village. It takes a village at 6 and it takes a village at 38 and it takes a village at 65. You're his village. You're his people.




fine with this.


cute how he asked me anyway, we have a lovely guest here who we


We do.


conversation. So


No, I have, I am living for this conversation. I'm like, yeah, that's a really good point. I'm going to write that down. They're


Well, Leydi They're Leydi is a professional organizer and home design consultant based in New Jersey and New York City. Who dives deep into the root causes of clutter and delivers practical, actionable solutions. Oh girl, you're speaking my language. After a 20 year career in higher education administration. So you do know about these kids. She now helps busy, Oh, higher education. That's not elementary school. That's the girl that children.




They're the grown up children. I talked to a grown up children child for two hours last night. After a 20 year career in higher education administration, she now helps busy families transform chaos into calm. Outside of organizing, Leydi enjoys family time with her husband and two boys and is always planning their next big adventure. Welcome, Leydi. Thank you for being here.


Having me, I am, I don't look it in the video, but I am so freaking excited. You have no idea.


I'm so happy to have you here. Leydi is a acquaintance or friend of Susie Adamson. So, any friend of Susie is a friend of ours.


Love Susie. She is the best. I miss her in Jersey,




is living the life over in Pennsylvania. I love all the pictures of the girl. Do I need to move to Pennsylvania? Like,


I don't know. She makes it look good.




no, absolutely.


think we really need to touch on because I feel like this sometimes when it comes to like organization or like organizers, but you're in your bio, it says non judgmental and empathetic and I'm like, Oh, that's so wonderful because like to invite an organizer into your home is very, uh, Makes me feel very vulnerable. It's one of those things where I'm like, I'm probably going to have to clean and organize before the organizer comes over. You know, like you clean before the This is That's


And it took me, I mean, my bio has changed like so many times from, from the moment I started my business. And this is the one that I kind of settled on. Recently and I feel like matches me the most and I just pretty much took it from my client's testimonials Like I'm at over here saying, you know, i'm non judgmental and empathetic, you know, like who talks like that? But it was it just kept coming up from my clients working together Like you make me feel really comfortable. I feel like you see me, however, I am And it's all trying to help. So I was like, I gotta put that in there because that's kind of like my calling card. And I want people to know that I on Instagram, yeah, I show my house. It's like really organized. I show my clients homes that are really organized after I'm done. But There's a lot behind the scenes that we don't see. And when you're letting someone into your home, into your space, into places that we don't show strangers, is hard work. Like that is the hardest part. Honestly, it's just to say, Hey. Come in and see, come in and see what I'm hiding behind the door, you know, so I don't judge like people's like, Oh my God, it's so bad. I'm sorry. You know, I'm like, girl, I have seen,




I call girl to everybody, by the way. So like, I'm like, girl. What is it?




It's fine. seen everything, whatever you think I've seen, I've seen worse. It's just, being able to really connect with people. Like I say all the time, I'm really good at organizing. I can organize the hell out of a fucking room. See,


okay. Explicit. Explicitly rated on, uh, All places. You get your podcast, you're


What I'm really good at is to really be like, Hmm, what are you really saying? Hmm. Like, what is, what is coming up here? I have cried with clients. I have, I've had to be like, okay, let's take a break. I think like, are you comfortable if I give you a hug, is that okay? I think I think we need to pause and realize what's happening here. And I think that's so important in this work because this shit is hard, you know, like living mothering work It's just too much, you know, and I talk about this all the time in my instagram that parenting Modern motherhood is not made For anyone to make it, it is just impossible.


Set up to fail.


just like my little calling card. Like, yeah, I got you, girl. I see you.


Hmm. I want to talk about how you said your bio has grown and like I, I'm willing to bet, and maybe you'll show us behind the curtain, but your entrepreneurialship has grown with it. Do you wanna talk a little bit about like who you are in the beginning and who you are today and how that's changed as an entrepreneur?


Yeah, this is definitely something I, syndrome, that's like the buzzword. You hear it all the time. Like, how many times have you had somebody on this podcast say imposter syndrome? It's just like a thing, a buzzword. And I truly felt that I still feel that because let's face it, organizing is a very, you know, white woman dominated industry. Field where like you see the ladies in the home edit and everything is like, yeah, everything's like so perfect. And, you know, in this little box. Sometimes, you know, people expect people to look at me. I'm from the Dominican Republic. I have this accent. I grew up in New York city. I talk like I'm from the Bronx. Okay. And I grew up Queens. A lot of people don't even know where the Bronx is, but it's like one of those places where do I belong in this space? So even after having a super successful career and I worked at NYU for 20 years, I was very good at my job. I was like, Everybody was like, my boss was like, you're quitting. I know that organizing was going to be great, but don't leave. You know? And it was one of those things where I had to really overcome a lot to just like put myself out there. At the beginning, I was really trying to be like everybody else. You know, like what does anybody else do? I'm like, let's just show the pretty pictures. Let's just do that. And I was really miserable on Instagram to be totally honest with you. It was just like, this is awful. And then it wasn't until I started like showing myself my life, talking how I talk using my hands and just, this is who, this is what you're getting in your house.




That's when I really started to feel more comfortable. and I started attracting more customers. You know,


love that.


there's everyone for everybody and they know like who I see on Instagram. This is who's coming to my house. So it's cliche, but really just be yourself, be authentic. Don't try to be anyone else because number one, you're going to be unhappy. You'll be like, why the hell did I fucking quit my job? To, to go clean, why did I do that? And it's just not worth it. So right now the bio, the only thing that has not changed from my bio is that Latina, that Dominican flag, it ain't going nowhere because I am like super proud of like who I am and and I feel like a lot of clients that don't think that they deserve organizing, You're like, Oh, I'm an immigrant or I, my mom worked three jobs and the house is always clean. I want them to know that, I've been there, I know what that feels like. Everything else has changed with that. I've


poignant point, is not an eloquent way to say that, but I do think that there are a lot of people who don't feel worthy of this quote unquote luxury service. This is well, while organizing can be that it also is so impactful. I would imagine so impactful to any person's life, probably particularly those who do not consider themselves a quote unquote luxury client, right? And I think to make it like accessible and to make it real is important. Is such well, one, such a smart business move, but also just a really lovely way to kind of open the door to, to, to anybody, right. And to make it more accessible and to really, I just. I think that's so smart and, and I want to say kind, but that's not the word that is the right word for this, but I, you know, listen, I am a white woman who lives in a wealthy city and I, to be authentic On my Instagram all the time. And I got recent reel where I said, I lived in Carmel, Indiana, which is like a very wealthy suburb, but you know, I


heard of it.


with a single mom. Like it was housing insecurity and like first generation college grad, all of those things. Right. So I, I feel like I'm here, but I'm like trying to make it, you know, there's definitely times where like, I. is those worthiness moments where you're like, or sometimes there's those moments where you're like, this what I'm supposed to do because I'm here now or like that? But I still feel nervous. I would still feel nervous hiring. Like we've got my, one of my good friends and colleagues here, Mariah bear, who's an amazing organizer too. I mean, I love her so much. I would still feel nervous having her in my house. That's a me problem that has nothing to do with her. Right. And I think that


Right. Well, I have so many people that


that a lot of people feel that way and so just


I had to build it into my so I have like a really robust client management system. Like I, I invested in my business from the very beginning. I wasn't one of those people. I'm just going to scrape by. And then, I was like, if I'm going to quit my job, we're going Balls to the walls to this. We're going to do it from the beginning. And I set up a whole CRM system, which a lot of people don't do until they have 10 employees, right? I was like, no, I am, we're doing this now. We're going to do this smart. I'm not going to waste five years of my life. So one of the things that I built in there was when you get the reminder that I am coming to your house. And when we book the consultation, I say, do not feel the need to clean up for me. I say it to them on the phone because it's sort of what the phone call first like don't do that Because I can't help you if I can't see what it's really like because I am not a clean Leydi, right? For all of us that have clean ladies. I clean up for my cleaning Leydi in the sense Which is like I want her clean. I don't want her to be like shuffling things around And things like that, but i'm not that so if you if i'm doing your bedroom or your closet And there's always clothes that you throw on the chair Huh? You know, and you pick one out like that, that can help me help you, you know? And, and that's one of the reasons when I follow up with clients, three months, six months, eight months later, they're like, it doesn't look as pretty as when you left, but everything is still working,




really being. Intentional and all those little connection points with clients. I feel in whatever business you're in it's really what will set you apart from the competition, right? Good. Organizing is a very saturated market. You just need a label maker. You don't need any special education. You don't need any special certification. You don't need, you just need to know what you're doing and you need to be able to talk to people. But after I saw, spoken to and mentored a few organizers that early on in their business that have either quit or where's the next client coming from? Like once you kind of organize your friends, right. And you organize, the people that you know, like what's next.




It's. Everybody can be an organizer. Not everyone can be a business owner, right? So you really have to listen to what your clients are saying and really be like, Hmm, where can I put myself position myself strategically? While still being me to make it easy, to be successful. Like I am like, gobsmacked. And I, every time I think about it, I want to cry to think about that. I took this chance for my job. Now I just want to be super transparent. I was. In a position to be able to do that, right? My husband has a job that he if this flops, the mortgage is still getting paid. Right? So that gave me also a cushion to be like, okay, I can take risk for my business.




I can do that. But even with that, I've been able to meet my goals because I am just like zeroed in, like, where can I be of the most service? To my clients and just like tweak and learn from every client. I have learned something new you just keep depositing. I'm like, okay, I'm going to do this next time. It's a hustle and you just have to find what is your hustle. Don't be like anybody else. And. will make changes for people's lives and for them and for your business. You know, cause this is not a hobby when I hear for free. I mean, I would honestly organize for free if I was independently wealthy and I would, because I just love it so much, I would love to be able to, your point earlier about luxury, you know, to be able to help those people that cannot afford my services. Like people ask me, Oh, where's your goal with this? That is my dream to be able to have like some company or some marketer to be like sponsor a person that I can just change their lives to organizing that. I've made it. If I could do that, that would be


Oh, my God. Okay. Well,




just million things that I have,


I know. Sorry.




No, great things, great things,


things, amazing things. I want to highlight a couple of things that you said. And then I want to tell you about an idea. I just had one. love that. You were like, this is a business and you set up your, you said everybody can organize, but not anybody can run a business. And I think that that is so true in, um, Any career or any entrepreneurial endeavor, right? Cheryl, anybody can a house, right? Cheryl and I both do real estate. So anybody can write, fill in the blanks on the contract, right? But, How do you, but it takes a real entrepreneur, a real business minded person to be able to like this into a business and that idea of like how to market yourself and where's the next client coming from is like such a real concept that I think every entrepreneur business owner. the start thinks about, right. And it can feel so like what does that term? Like,




well, I




don't know what that term is, but you know, where it's like one to the next.


Right. Right. Right. Right. You're like desperate, like to put it in


hand to mouth


you make desperate, decisions when you're like looking for the next client, you're like, you will lower your prices. You will organize for clients that don't meet your values. You know, you will do so many things, you know? Yeah, absolutely.


it's so smart, I love that, I can, many reasons why I can see Susie adores you, but listen, you talked about your CRM and I'm just like, wow, you're really speaking everybody's language here. Uh,


for those that don't know. I think CRM stands for customer relationship management system.




hmm. That's cool.


how you organize your contacts and your vendors and anybody that you need to connect with.


yeah. It's


I'm sure everybody knows, but


repetitive tasks that you do for every project are just automated, right? So you're not spending time, booking or you're not letting leads, fall through the cracks, right? Again, someone's reaching out to you when they're the most vulnerable. Like, you can't let they're already not feeling the same, right? So, so it was just. A smart business decision, a big investment. You know, when I would talk, they're like, wow, you, yeah, I did. I spent my profits on that. Yes, I did. Because I, this is the, we're in the long game here, you know, and it has. I think I had recouped my investment twice over,


you can't build a house without a strong foundation.




the same for building a business. You need a strong foundation. I think that's one thing I really did differently in my business, probably the most. agents that start out is I immediately ran my business like a business. I like




in both feet organize systems, just ran it like I ran my other business for 12 years. Why wouldn't you? I, this was never a hobby.




There's things like people I hear today who are small business owners and they like, don't have basic things set up like a bank, like a business bank account.


More credit card.






would It just goes into your personal account. how do you do that? Like, but, but that's things people, some people just don't know. And some of that is just from not knowing or being scared or whatever.


yeah, and I think women entrepreneurs, especially, you know, that, I think there's like a barrier, like, I'm going to talk about my husband. I'm going to talk about all men, but my husband, for example, who works in finance is very good with numbers. He can just like do like, he's very confident. I'm like, okay, sure. That's what we're going to do for me. I was like, oh, this is okay. Am I doing the right thing? I'm glad that I am married to him and he's a nice guy. And he's like my little,


I hope so.


he gave me two beautiful kids. He, he kind of like my, how do you say that? Configuratory like the Godfather. You know, he's like that guy where I'm like, so financially tech, talk to me about this. Like, does that make sense? You know, so I run a lot of ideas through him and you kind of have to really push past those fears, get that business credit card, get that loan. Honestly, sometimes just like, Oh, you know, I don't want to get a business loan or whatever. How did the accountant, how did the bookkeeper? It's just. It's an investment, but you're going to recoup that investment, you know? And you just have to run the numbers. I know so many people that run businesses that have no idea how much money they made and I'm like, no, I'm like, I don't get it. I words,


numbers are money.


this girl speechless.


right? Like, it's a hard thing for people to really for business owners or small business and even just just people. It's a hard thing to really look at. for some people, that's scary. And some people they're like, I'd rather not know. Seems like everything's going okay. But you can't run a business that way. Like you can't


Not a successful one.


not a


Not one that's going to grow and scale and have long term success.


it's just a clutter. It's just like, once you put something in the closet that you don't see, you just don't want to deal with it. We're still there. You're going to have, somebody's going to have to deal with this, whether it's you, whether it's when, God forbid, you die, somebody is going to deal with that closet.


I have


so just pull the band aid and just let's do the thing, you know


for you about


Write it down


your wanting to do almost like creating a nonprofit. I wonder if you could, each client




charge a little bit more, but that percentage goes towards a nonprofit fund or goes towards a fund where then you could do like, Once a year or once a quarter you could offer like on Instagram or something you could offer like a service To somebody in need for free.




I mean,


absolutely. Yeah, it's definitely so I have two ideas about that. So put the non profit. Thank you. I didn't even think about that. So I do volunteer my time and services to causes that are like important to me. So for example, in my kid's school, there's this whole issue with the storage thing that went away. So, you know, I was like, okay, I am going to volunteer my time and, know, my expertise to really make this work for the longterm, I, give, free hours of organizing to fundraisers, and things like that. Again, smart business decision. I always get a client. It's not, it is, it's always going to climb from it. So if you're on the fence as a business owner about giving a few hours of your time for a fundraiser, do it. It will pay back. so I was thinking I could do something like the holidays at the end of the year where I just donate my time and work with brands to get like the product to kind of help these people because that honestly would just make me the happiest person in the whole entire world because so many people that need this help. Work so many moms that are just so overwhelmed that are just like I don't know what the fuck I am gonna do With this craziness that is my life, but I need help and I just can't afford someone like that. So that hgtv Whatever if you're listening


oh my


Please, first of all, please sponsor our podcast. Yes,


these girls are fun


Let's get






let's do it. speak it into existence. Yeah.


listening is gonna know somebody


Somebody told me one of my, she was a client that that's how I met her. She was a client and she's become like a business bestie. She's also an entrepreneur. So she is a social work entrepreneur. She helps people. There's, social workers looking for other careers or ways to kind of do things. She's like a speaker. She that are college. And she said to me you should start a YouTube channel. Why do you have to wait for HGTV to come? I just do it, I'm like, girl,




hello. Yes.




But you know, that's work, you know, so it's, it's online. I have this business wishlist, I don't know if you guys do that, where like I write things that I just don't have the capacity on. Right now because I am a I have so many ideas and I will chase them all And we all know in business that half of them are fucking nuts, know of them are not going to work, but we don't know that right when we're like so excited I'm like, oh I could definitely do that do that. So i've started just having like this little parking lot Big wish things that I want to do in my business with the hope that when I have some more brain capacity and bigger staff, more resources I can, they don't forget them, go back to the things that just kind of like light me up. That's on there. Like the YouTube thing is on there. And then I was talking to another follower of mine, who's a teacher on Instagram. She was like, Oh my God, you'd be so proud of me. I helped another teacher with her supply closet. was like, Oh my God, I just got an idea next year. I am going to do a giveaway for a local teacher to organize her classroom because that joy, because as a little kid, I thought I wanted to be a teacher. Not to teach kids to do the room, you know, like to put the color code and to,




so I'm gonna do it because I will be joy and I can help a teacher. Yeah.


you out to LA to help my mother in law who is in her seventies and still a first grade teacher. And like every year she like puts my niece now, my 12 year old niece is like helping her put the classroom together. And I'm like,


Well, no,




like the state where you're like opening half, right. You see teachers like that.




I just want to, yeah.


you know, she needs some help with this. This is


And the labels. Oh my God, I am, I'm going to do it next summer, by the way. So it's happening that now one is happening for sure.


What has been your biggest hurdle to overcome as a business owner?




honestly it's something that talk about. I go to therapy once a week. I also talk about this on Instagram all the time. I'm very open about my therapy journey. My father was like a low key hoarder, which is one of the reasons why I am the way that I am. It's really that belief in myself, that, that kindness towards myself because I have lots of friends and they will all say, Leydi is like the biggest cheerleader. Like you can call me and I will be like, girl, stop the bullshit. You've got this. You can do it. Like, I don't want to hear it. You know, like I am that girl, I am that girl's girl. Like I will, we're fighting with somebody we're, we're fighting, like, stick these arms up. Like I'm but I find a really, I find that really hard to do for myself. Like very extremely difficult to and one of the things that my therapist has said to me is talk to yourself. Like you would talk to your friend, And that is the hardest. So like, when I feel like, oh, I'm not doing enough, I'm not doing this, and I could be doing that. Look at all these people. Look what they're doing, you know? That is hard. It is a struggle everything. I can't say that I've completely overcome it. I think that It's a hundred percent gotten better. Like I have like a year full time in I that i'm that girl, you know I got the goods,






ambitious and when you're really striving for big goals, it is challenging to not, play the comparison game and we talk about, you know, comparison is the thief of joy. But I think Just when you're trying to achieve something that somebody has already achieved or something, somebody is already there. It's hard.


So hard.


great. Love that. Whoever that person is there. I'm sure they're great, but they're not any better than me. They're not any smarter than me. What, how are they there? And I'm not yet. Like, I think that that is a real continual challenge that we have to just. Remember, I think Cheryl, we were talking about the, like, day I was talking about the scarcity thing about I want to, Cheryl said to me, she's I have a partner on every deal. And I was like, Oh man, I want a partner on every deal. But I like, but then I have to give them part of my commission. And that is scary to me. Right. But, but the point is this, like, if I do that, that frees me up to do a lot more, or it frees me a lot of mental space, but it is that like, A constant work on your mindset, constant work on yourself to just kind of get you there, and I think that that is again, like when you're super ambitious, when you're super driven, when you have all these goals, plus the parking lot full of ideas, which you're on, I are always talking, we, we should see Cheryl and I's parking lot. We've got a bunch of semis in there. So,


There's a few jets, also,


yeah, all of that. it can be, you know, a constant constant game of like resilience too. Right. Just like picking yourself back up and pick and keep going and not, not, I don't want to say not comparing because you are, you're, you are comparing, but making sure that you're still feeling.


You cannot not compare,


and some of that pushes you, right? Like, oh, that person's doing that. So then maybe I, that gives me some validation that it can be done or that I can do it. But it is a real game in persistence. Yes.


absolutely it's a long game really have to just Keep pushing, and you got to keep pushing, but you also have to know when you need to pivot You know what? I mean? Like that I think is also hard, you know When it's just like it's just not working and and how you know that it's through data, you know I mean, so sometimes I see you know I'm part of these like mastermind groups or I'm part of like entrepreneur groups or other businesses and you get to talk to people it's just like and I'm thinking to myself like girl You need to get a job because you're just not making any money. You know what I mean? And, and it's kind of like one of those things where unless you don't have the data to back up, it's, it's just too hard to, to make a change. You know what I mean? So that's also been important. She's like, you have to really push hustle, like really lean into what you're really good at. And the stuff that you're not good at, just hire somebody to do it for you. It's just, you


who not have, yeah.


you need to bootstrap it. You really need to, you can't spend money. You don't have, but are you really going to be spending time doing things by hand when you can spend that time, like talking to clients, networking, putting yourself out there. So it's, it's, it's hard. It's, I'm telling you, everybody on Instagram, they're like, Oh, you could just be an entrepreneur. It is. I work now more than ever when I worked for you. I used to be able to be like, goodbye. I'm leaving See you on monday you just you just can't turn it off. It really does take a certain amount of um delusion to be like I can do this


It's like, look at all this time freedom I have as a business owner. And then meanwhile, during my massage yesterday, I'm like taking phone calls and emailing about offer deadline in the midst of my massage. I'm like, excuse me. Sorry. I have to take this. Hello. Sorry. My face is down in a pillow right now. Look at this time freedom I have, you guys.


that's such a good maybe I'm like twisted, but I think that that is honestly some of the best parts of being an entrepreneur, if you


Mm hmm.


five, you wouldn't be in that massage chair. Right. You




Like, I really think there is a perspective there and I, I talk about this a lot on my Instagram is like, you know, I'm in the car writing the offer on the way to the lake and I, previously I worked in athletics and I worked in education and those were jobs where you had to be at a specific place in order to do your job. And is an opportunity for me to work wherever, for the most part, if I have


every month


to a house, they have to see that house. Right. But like the flexibility, quote, unquote, flexibility. But I think we, as entrepreneurs. We work a billion hours a day, but we get to choose when for the






And where, generally.


those hours are. And I think there is a mind shift there for some people, you know, like I have a friend who was like, I want to just be able to go on vacation and not work. And I was like, I. That idea for you, but




on vacation and I have to take a call, but I can still be in Paris and like from the Versailles train station, be like, Hey, your offer got accepted. I love that. Like that for


mean part of that trip is a business expense at that point


Oh yeah. Write it off. We just booked our fall break. We just booked our fall


Uh, please consult your tax accountant. None of us are CPAs.


Listen to the ladies, crazy ladies on this podcast,


Bad poor dad. He says, book a trip and then have a business meeting. That's what he says. But anyway, yeah. So I think there, there's, that's a perspective viewpoint. And not everybody has that. Not everybody wants to have that, and there are people who wanna shut down. and, but I think when you're in a, a similar position to the three of us where you're growing your business and you're doing, and you're doing, and you have goals that you are wanting to achieve. This is a way to look at it. It's a, I, it's that I get to not, I have to


right? Absolutely.


and I'm working on setting some boundaries because I just came out of some deals that were like all consuming and Cheryl was like, are you okay? And I was like, no. But like the other day I, I, this, I called this agent. He didn't answer his 245. I was in the pickup line and I was like, I'm not going to be available between three and five. So if you want to call me after five, I'll answer if not. And it felt really good. And then he called me at three 30 and I was like, okay, I'm in the pickup line, but I haven't picked up the kids yet. So I'll just answer. But what I said to him was I'm in the pickup line, so I only have a few minutes. So let's get to it. And he was like, Oh, okay. And we just kind of hammered it out and it was done. And then my kids got in the car and I said, okay, I have to go. And he was like, okay, bye. And it was really interesting. And I don't usually set those boundaries. I usually I'm like, get in the car. Like I'm on the phone, but it was really nice. Nice is such a dumb word, but it was really it felt like huge relief to be able to say those things and to set those boundaries, but also be able to set those boundaries for myself because not everybody can do that.


Good for you. That's awesome. just really about finding about finding what. Works for you, you know, it's just back, back to organizing. It's just like what works for you,




Because people will see these like pictures on Instagram. Like, oh, I want so many kinds, like, oh, I want that. And then I, I want to do toy rotation, for example, which is very popular. I hate toy rotation. That is so time consuming. And who has time for that? Like even my stay at home moms that do toy rotation, don't have time for this. Like let alone you with a job, two kids, a husband, like and they're like, bring you joy, not sustainable, like it doesn't work for your life, you know, so let's talk about that, I mean, and then I always give them the options like at the end of the day, this is your house if you want, I will give that to you, but am I really helping you if I don't like push you a little bit to really see it's like, Is it sustainable for your life,


review Sounds awful.


it's awful


Do that. Luckily my.


Instagram made up thing. It's not real


And people do this because I live in, and you do too, but like, you live in a place with seasons and people will do clothing, seasonal rotations where they literally put their summer clothes in a bin


Also hate that hate that too


pull their winter clothes out. And I'm like, what?


Hate that too


I don't have time for that. Also, how do you know


Also, what if I want that sweater? What if it's like a, there's like a random chilly day?


and then you forget there and then you but listen the only time that I will do a closed rotation it's if you live in a tiny Manhattan apartment, which a lot of people do I'm like, it is a shoe box, and we have to make it work. But if you live in the suburbs and you have like a walk in closet, like, should not be talking about clothes rotation. We should be talking about where are these clothes coming from and we will like when you work with me, I will get like deep. I want to know. If you're left handed or right handed, like we get that detail. Like if I am organizing a kitchen for you, I'm like, what do you cook? Are you right handed, left handed? Like it's all about efficiency. And that was what I was known for in higher ed, like really making processes for students, faculty. And anyone that came in contact with our department was like, there was no thinking everybody knew where it was. There was no like jump, no red tape, which is like higher education is known for like, tape. And I, so it was just like, you come to the office, you already know, everything's clear. And that's my approach to organizing. Let's cut the shit. What is really going on here? Let's make it as simple. I don't want you to think about anything. I want you when you're getting dressed. You ain't know what you're gonna wear. You ain't know what's gonna make for dinner. When you go to the grocery store, you ain't know what you have to buy. Nobody has time. We're all too busy be stressed in our own homes where we're supposed to be happy and bed rod and couch rod and yell at our kids and live a life,


What other skills do you feel like were transferable from, uh, Your previous career to your new, because I think that I hear a lot of people say, well, I'm new, like I'm new to real estate or I'm new to this business that I'm doing. And even stay at home moms, I've seen stay at home moms on the Facebook groups that I'm in being like, I don't have any skills for the workplace. I'm like the fuck you don't, you are a CEO, you are a project manager. You are all the things in that role. Yeah, those skills are transferable, and we need to remember that just because maybe we haven't done this one thing doesn't mean we can't bring value to that thing because we have such valuable insights from something previous. So do you have any other skills that you felt like transferred really well from the 20 years in higher ed over to your current business?


Well, and some of those 20 years I spent at working in student affairs specifically, which is student affairs is kind of like rest live dorms. So my husband, when we, when I first got married, my husband, I lived in the dorms with freshmen for like three years. So my neighbors were like, Hey, Hey, can I borrow your scale? I'm like, no. You cannot goodbye. I am not working right now. So some of that time, I was like an expert in conflict management. So I was a trained mediator. Like I have like certificates in mediation through the New York Peace Institute, which I haven't mediated since I moved to New Jersey. But I used to help people in conflict, like child parent conflict, roommate conflict, conflict. I never did any divorces because that was, I was, I was not interested, but really helping people come to the middle, you know, like talk to people. That was what I was really good at. I was just like, let's take a step back. Let's see the big picture. You're getting really anxious right now. Um, let's see, what's going on here. And that was, it's very helpful, especially when like partners, husbands, and wives, you Have different ideas about what needs to happen. A couple of my clients have called me like a marriage therapist. I'm like, okay, great. And I really feel one of the biggest skills throughout my whole life, even since I was a child, am just really curious. I just want to know, I just want to know like anything, so when I meet a new client, I was like, I want to know everything about you. Tell me about your husband. Tell me about your kids. Tell me whatever you think I should know, because you are a full person and I am just so interested to know who you are, whatever that is. And I just want to know. And I, and I love to fix problems. I love puzzles, by the way, I love to like put things into Little boxes and put a bow on it and give it to you. Like, here you go. This is for you. Do you love it? Tell me you love it. Cause I also struggle with that. That's why I go to therapy.


You need some words of affirmation.


me you're okay. I'm a people pleaser. Yeah, like I could just really talk to people. like my husband was just like, why are we at the store? And the person behind you is always talking to you. I'm like, they're just telling me their life story. Like he's like, yeah, because you constantly smiling. Like stop smiling. I'm like, I just like to smile, that's my default face, so yeah, people haven't told you like the deepest, darkest secret, like on the subway, that has happened to me






Yes. I, I have more than once been like, why am I so approachable?




Why? Why does this happen to me?


this? But


I normally like it, but occasionally I'm like,


It's because you're


oh, this is more




I needed.


are curious. Open, you know, you're an open person,


yeah, cause I'll also tell everybody TMI as well. I'm like, you want to hear about my life story? Okay. I


escort. It's a, you, you can't take without giving, so I will everything and give him a book. Oh, wait, I got some stories for you. Hold on. Buckle up.


people are, when you are interested in people, not many people in this world are interested in other people. And so




finds somebody like you Leydi, they're like, Oh my God, somebody's interested in me. Oh, I'm going to talk to them. Because most people are like, bye F you get out of my way, move it up in the line, keep it going. You know, the light is red. But when you find somebody else who is like interested in you, does make you feel important and it does make you feel special and it does make you feel like, oh, I'm going to talk to this person in the grocery line, even, you know, whatever. And I think that that, I mean, that is such an attribute. That you obviously carry in your business that like makes you successful in what you're doing. Right. It makes people feel comfortable and say those things to you. You know, like what we said in the beginning about being nonjudgmental or being empathetic. you're interested in them, they feel very comfortable you in. And that, I mean, I can see that now in talking to you for the last 40 minutes, and that is such, that's such an amazing attribute. So don't let your husband tell you not to smile at everybody. You do whatever you want.


Yeah. He doesn't


couple rapid fire questions for you,




and then I want to tell everybody to connect with you. I


is our


I'm scared.


our new segment.


know our new segment, rapid fire. So what is one tool or app you can't run your business without?




Same girl. Feel that. And what is one book or resource that has had a profound impact on your leadership or entrepreneurial style? And what on the,


God. There's so many. Okay. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Okay. I love Atomic Habits. That book about, making things together. Like if you're ready, brushing your teeth, take your vitamins. I feel like we take so much time, to try to fit a round peg in a square hole. So just make it easy. Keep it simple.


Love that.


That's it. There you go.


on the topic of habits, what's one daily habit that contributes to your success?


This is so corny. I


I love it. Do it. Shoot.


love to hug and kiss my kids.


Oh, I


sorry. I had to do it. It just gives me such a boost like the day could be the shittiest and I just smell that they're five and ten So the ten year old is okay, don't touch me like leave me alone The five year old is more like he lets me like smell him and cuddle and it just


Oh, I


It really,


that's the


I try to do that and go there.






I make my bed.


I know. Every day by making my bed. What is the best piece of advice that you've received?


for business,


Well, anything. Shoot, we're here for the whole woman.


Okay. For anything is if you worry about being a good mom, you're already a good mom.


Oh, I love that.


I agree with that. Okay, Leydi, you've been so fun. How can people connect with you and what does it look like to work with you?


you can find me on Instagram,@theorganizedLeydi, L E Y D I. Cause I'm Dominican and there's a Y in everybody's Dominican name.


Maybe I'm Dominican. There's a Y in my name. Do I, do I look different? Okay, I do. Yeah, I


like some, some platanos. Um,


look a plenty.


so you can find me there on stories. I share all the unhinged or behind the scenes. And you can work with me if you're in the New Jersey, New York city area. I do in person organizing services, but I just started doing some mindset coaching, organizing, coaching, whatever you are in your journey about organizing. You can book me for a call and you can just find that on my website, organizedLeydi. com. And I would love. To see you, you listener, for who you really are and how I can best, serve you a little fun, you know,




Okay. So everybody go and follow Leydi. We'll put it in the show notes as well. And on Instagram, but everybody go follow her. You're going to love her. And you're not watching, she's got the best headband on in the whole white world and it's sparkly. And I


Colleen has such headband envy today, you guys.


I'm going to go find her today. I'm like, what am I even doing with my life?


I'll send you the link. You can


Link in bio.


Follow my LTK.


AmazingLeydidy, thank you so, so much for being here. It's been so fun.

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